Curse of the Queerwolf
Curse of the Queerwolf
| 01 January 1988 (USA)
Curse of the Queerwolf Trailers

After being bitten by what he thinks is a transvestite, Larry starts having nightmares about hillbillies, ominous visits from an old gypsy woman, and having the strangest reactions to the full moon...

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
sydney_pdx-06252 This is honestly one of the funniest movies I've seen. The Deliverance scene/dream sequence had me rolling. This movie is kind of like the answer to the question: "What if Leisure Suit Larry was crossed with RuPaul."If you love campy low budget, this is the best!
Dierdre99 The best joke here is the one stolen from Crocodile Dundee (where it is used twice), that is, the first man impersonating a woman is played by a female actor.The problem is the homophobic stereotypes. Sure the film is trying to laugh at homophobes, but in reproducing untrue and unlikely details about gays and transgendereds (that are repeated by the gender insecure) it reinforces them. What it comes down to is: how funny is it? The more funny you find it, the less the homophobia matters. One also suspects that the jokes are funnier for people who are insecure with these topics. And when the jokes fall flat, one begins to wonder ...A must for fans of derrière-garde inauthenticity.
grendel-25 This is actually pretty funny in a reeeeeealy low budget way, and not as offensive as you might think. Actually the film is pretty much an equal opportunity offendor and makes fun of those straight white guys we all hate as well as gays. A guy gets bitten on the ass by a gay werewolf, and not only turns into a werewolf but also turns gay, to say more ruins the movie.It's too bad they didn't call it "the Monster in the Closet" though...
Peggy-7 "Curse of the Queerwolf", the title alone should set you up for one of the funniest films of all time. Even though it wasn't, "Curse of the Queerwolf" could have very well been made by the same chaps who brought us "Airplane", "The Naked Gun", and all of those classics.Most people won't like this film due to the fact that it was made on such a low budget, but if they would take the time to watch it, they will see what they're missing.One of the things that makes this film so great is the only way one can kill a queerwolf. They never SHOW this, but you know what's going on.Anyone who can watch this without laughing is probably a serial killer.A film I wish I could have the brains to write. Out of 1-10 "Curse of the Queerwolf" gets a 10! A must see!