Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest
Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest
G | 01 September 2013 (USA)
Curious George: A Halloween Boo Fest Trailers

Halloween is almost here and George can't wait for the festivities to begin: carving pumpkins, costume contests, and especially the Annual Boo Festival. Eager to get the festivities started, George and Allie visit Renkins' Farm to pick out the perfect pumpkin. There, they are told the spooky tale of the Legend of No Noggin. As the story goes, No Noggin is a hat-kicking scarecrow who appears on Halloween to kick people's hats off. On Halloween night, George and Allie are determined to get a picture of No Noggin and prove he's real once and for all. Will they be able to get the proof? Only the curious will find out!

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
gian_99 My son fell in love with Curious George when he was 4 and us in love with the show now. This is his favorite movie of the George series: it's easy for children shows' Halloween specials to scare a 4 year old kid, especially if he's not been exposed to a lot of adult shows or news (my son mostly hasn't, and definitely hadn't when he was 4 two years ago). This special didn't scare him at all, even if he did get that Halloween is about being scared a little. As usual it was sweet, educational, and funny (some lines from the movie being endlessly repeated by my son for a week was the "bad" part, maybe). We still watch this any time it's on. I highly recommend this to parents and children.
Michael Wilson This was without a doubt one of my favorite kid films ever. Joe Fallon (writer) did a wonderful job of creating a timeless Curious George story - complete with a mystery, the Man with the Yellow Hat, and all the George hi-jinks we have come to know and love. The way they were able to devise a Halloween story for kids that brings in the right elements yet still keeps things kid-friendly was incredible. My kids have probably watched this a hundred times, with either my wife or I watching it with them at least thirty or so times. I am still enjoying it, even after all those viewings, and that's gotta say something. :-) By the way, if anyone can come up with contact info for Joe Fallon, please share, I would love to tell him what a great job he did. Thanks!