Cruise of the Zaca
Cruise of the Zaca
| 06 December 1952 (USA)
Cruise of the Zaca Trailers

Actor Errol Flynn takes a group of scientists from the California Institute of Oceanography on an expedition to the South Seas aboard his schooner, The Zaca.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews A documentary of a scientific team going to look at sea-life(and since I am not an expert on the subject, I can't really judge if it's realistic or not), this is on the Two-Disc Special Edition DVD of The Adventures of Robin Hood from 1938. It's put together of nicely shot nature footage and reasonably photographed stuff with real natives and the like, it seems, and features constant narration from Flynn, who stars(as himself) and also directed this. I was surprised to find that this really wasn't a drama... it's not at all about story-telling and plot, rather, it's full of info. I guess celebrities were appearing in things like this even back then. Was it a publicity thing back then, too, I wonder? A little of this is evidently staged, but other than that, it may very well be real. Expressing a genuine curiosity for the culture of the South Seas primitives(including a belly dance) and the animal life there, this actually is a fine watch for those who are interested in those(sadly, I doubt anyone else will like it much, as it has a slow pace and probably isn't up to date on facts). I recommend this to... well, aforementioned group of people. 5/10
MartinHafer This short was included with the DVD for Errol Flynn's THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD. Apparently, Flynn starred in, narrated and directed this short film about his adventures on his yacht, the Zaca. However, according to the nice more recent introduction that was included with the disk, while the short film appears to be based on one of Flynn's adventurous journeys on his yacht, it actually was pieced together from many trips--the first occurring just after WWII.Unfortunately, the first thing you'll probably notice is how faded the color print is. While it's not in horrible shape, I agree with the other reviewer who suggested that this short needs to have restoration work done to it in order to bring out the colors. Plus, in a shot of sea lions, the print is a bit messy and there are a couple grainy places as well.The film consists of color camera shots done without sound--sounds were added later and Flynn narrated it throughout. His delivery and script was very good--not the rambling and rather poor narration Flynn did in his last film, a terribly made documentary extolling the virtues of Fidel Castro (CUBAN STORY, 1959). In this film, it's a film about sea life and is done in a rather scientific fashion--as Flynn's father (a professor) examines and identifies each species.In addition to seeing Flynn and his father, among some of the others you'll see in this film are Howard Hill (a master archer who acted and supervised the archery in ROBIN HOOD) and one of Flynn's wives, Nora (who, by the time this was released, was an ex-wife).Overall, it's a tad dry but also interesting--especially to Errol Flynn fans. Seeing him in his travels was nice, as all most know about Flynn off-camera is sex and drinking. It's nice to see he had some more depth and personality to him. Not great but well worth watching.
jlewis77-1 Filmed in 1946-47 with more than one "cruise", this two-reeler's great Pacific and Caribbean scenery apes anything seen in other contemporary travelogues. Errol Flynn and marine biologist Pop obviously enjoyed all of this traveling and critter-collecting, highlighted with Flynn splashing with the California gray whales. Humorously, the love 'em & leave 'em Errol was separated from Nora Eddington by the time this short was released, so she appears on screen mostly as a "friend", with the study of smelly fish and crabs preventing any on-screen "romance" and a Garden Of Eden tour very chaste.There's little question that Warner Bros. put more gusto into their docu-shorts than most other studios. (Quick history lesson: Since about 1935, the popular success of MGM's Traveltalks and Paramount's Popular Science launched a boom in Hollywood "educational shorts". These were SO much cheaper to crank out than even the jazz band musicals, the only "entertainment" shorts Universal and Fox were making by this time, and could be shot in any color process for practically peanuts.) Warner's "Sports Parades" were often less "sports" and more National Geographic sight-seeing; this studio also made plenty of animal titles like "Smart As A Fox". Fittingly, after the "live-action short subjects" were phased out in 1957, this same studio took over four installments of the ever popular Bell Science series with Dr. Frank Baxter. Unfortunately, little was done with the print shown on THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD DVD. Hopefully, Warner Home Video is gradually working on its impressive short subject collection and a "restored" Zaca will be made available, along with other hard-to-see travelogue curios like "Jungle Terror" and "Charlie McCarthy And Mortimer Snerd In Sweden".
William Giesin I recently saw The Cruise of the Zaca on You Tube, and I must say it was quite interesting. This cinematic short subject gives the movie viewer a nostalgic look at the "real" Errol Flynn as opposed to the "reel" Errol Flynn. Generally speaking, I despise the term "comfortable in his own skin" but I must say that is exactly what Mr. Flynn is in this short film. One can't but help but see his love for the sea and adventure as he sails the seas with his father (Theodore Flynn) and former wife (Nora Eddington). The feature last about 20 minutes and some of the film subjects include a Gray Whale and a local native dance. It certainly is a credit for Flynn's fans to have the opportunity to see Flynn as the "real life" adventurer he was.