Creature from the Hillbilly Lagoon
Creature from the Hillbilly Lagoon
R | 01 January 2005 (USA)
Creature from the Hillbilly Lagoon Trailers

A group of college students run afoul of not only a passel of insane, inbred rednecks, but also a humanoid fish monster bent on making chum of them all.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
kardosma This was actually a lot of fun - campy silliness and, for something with about the same budget that most people spend a year on burgers, it was plenty entertaining. If you're in the "easily offended" category, maybe watch something else - there are just a few moments where the fragile will find themselves wanting to post complaints on social media about inappropriate stereotyping and humour etc... so save yourself the time and watch something else, you'll much happier! For those with thicker skin and an irreverent and yes sometimes inappropriate sense of humour, you'll probably get a few giggles. Bonus points for liberal use of squelchy monsters, and finishing with a fun ending.
John Johnson This DVD was a prize in a Zombie walk contest at a horror movie festival. It was given by a local comic book/DVD/hobby store. It's pretty obviously low-budget, campy stuff. Nowadays, we're spoiled with this kind of stuff because of YouTube. Making and distributing movies didn't use to be as easy as it is now, and I applaud the makers for their accomplishment. That having been said, even for a movie like this, I was a little disappointed. I thought it was going to be kind of a mystery/monster movie, but then they threw in a kind of Lara Croft super-spy, which I didn't think fit. It actually seemed to clash with the vibe of the movie and really threw me out of it. It's kind of the same problem with the main scientist. There are just too many characters where they switch the narrative too much. I hate to be crass, but the sex appeal of this movie was poorly done to. Cheap horror movies have boob shots. It's pretty standard fare. But if you don't have girls that look good, then don't bother. I mean, a B-movie can be fun WITHOUT it. I don't look good without my shirt on either - which is why I don't take it off at parties. In defense, I'm trying to think of comparable movies to compare this with, and I don't think I've seen many. This movie would be good fun as background at a horror movie party maybe - or just for folks that like indie stuff, but nothing more than that. Or maybe I just don't know enough to compare it. Still, I'm glad I watched it.
Michael Reed For a micro-budget movie, this was not only highly entertaining, but a laugh riot. Griffin doesn't pull the punches when it comes to remaining if you're easily offended (or even if you're not), expect to be. The film is well shot, the acting is ludicrous and over-the-top (exactly as it should be), and the writing is superb. Many film makers try and hack their way through a story, just to push out a feature. But Scorpio Film Releasing, Richard Griffin, and Ted Marr do it with panache. Their films pull all the stops possible from a micro-budget, and one of the reasons I think their films are so damn entertaining, is not just because Griffin has been working in the industry for well over a decade, but because the cast and crew have such an awesome chemistry together--and this energy and chemistry reads to the audience. Great, fun, hicksploitation film.
KSCfilmstudent This film by Richard Griffin is better by leaps and bounds than his last film, Raving Maniacs. The story in it's simplest is very straight forward and simple, there's a monster and hey guess what.. it's killing people. But the script has enough twists in it so you stay engaged in the story without getting confused by some overly pretentious and convoluted turn of events.All the acting here is good with appropriate tongue-in-cheek-ness that one would expect in this kind of horror film. We're not talking all start A-list good or anything here, but these people in the film are definitely worlds ahead of some indie horror films where someone calls up his buddies who don't know a thing.My personal favorite is Adam Brown playing Bubba. Right from the opening of the movie, Bubba breaks the 4th wall and acts as a bit of a narrator for the film. He breaks in doing this at a few different points. Not only is Bubba pretty funny, he also serves to send the audience a message of "Hey, kick back. Don't take this too seriously and have some fun." And that's what you get with Seepage. You get a good pile of fun that pokes fun at the horror genre. It's an indie horror film where you laugh with a "Hey that's pretty funny" rather than a "Wow look how bad they are." There's a lot to enjoy here an no one who goes into this with a good attitude will be disappointed.