| 01 March 2001 (USA)
Costa! Trailers

The story about a wild week at the Spanish coast. Romance at the beach, competition on the dance floor. Salty water, sweet kisses...

Manthast Absolutely amazing
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Maarten van Krimpen Why are all people who are not a teenager so negative about this movie? This is a funny, soapy romantic comedy which is just fun to watch. I really liked this better than the stupid 'Volle Maan', which was way to serious. Georgina Verbaan plays Janet, a girl who is insecure and a bit dumb, but with a good heart. She goes with her sister and two of her sister's friends on a holiday to Spain. There she meets Rens, a runner from a local dance-club, the Costa!. He asks her if she could dance with them, because there's soon an important MTV-dance-contest which they have to win because of the free publicity. Okey, the acting is not brilliant and the storyline is not too deep, but what's the big deal? It's a movie with all the ingredients of a successful summer movie. You see Costa! at moments you don't want to think about anything, you just want to have a nice time. And Costa! really succeeds in that.
Gazza77 This has to be one of the WORST movies I have seen. I tried to like this movie but they managed to mess up practically every individual aspect that pertain to this film! Cheap dialogue, no character development, no tension, not enough story to pull you in, no action apart from some REALLY cheap scenes. It seems they tried some things on the set and said to each other "hey this looks rather cool, why not put this in there" after which the director probably said "Yeah....YEAH this is genius!" and got back to snorting coke or something. When it comes to acting I think the only person that TRIED to make the movie worked is Daan Schuurmans but in the end it is all for nothing. Cause this movie SUCKS!! 2/10
soeberdodan As my brother always says, "you are not allowed to like a film like this". But who says life has to be taking so damned seriously? This was 95 minutes of pure entertainment. Okay, lots of teenagers just loved it, but I sat next to a guy who only came in to the theater to watch the trailer to "Lord of the Rings", and even this guy couldn´t help liking this film. He just kept that grin on his face all through the movie. No wonder this film is breaking records in the Netherlands, where it already secured itself of a spot on the TOP 10 list of Dutch films of the last 20 years. (It even beat HANNIBAL in its second week of release.)Enjoy the dancing and the fun Ugly Duck Becomes Beautiful Swan story. Enjoy Verbaan´s clumsiness, enjoy La Schuurman´s beautiful body displayed on a giant screen, enjoy the jokes and, if you have ever been with a bunch of young people on holiday, enjoy all those instantly recognizable moments. I did.
plaatjesmaker The audience left the theater with a huge smile on their faces and that´s why this film can proudly bear the title Feel Good Movie. Costa! feels like a 90 minute mini vacation to the Spanish coast. The film is incredible popular with teenagers and twenty somethings. I liked this Coming Of Age story because I could identify with the proces that three lead characters go through: They escape from peer pressure and realise that they can live their life according to their own standards. Actress Georgina Verbaan steals the show as the clumsy Janet. She is Cinderella, picked on by her older sister and friends, but rescued by the handsome prins. But the prins comes in disguise because he is a plugger: a guy who has to talk beautiful girls into visiting his disco (and his apartment afterwards). I enjoyed the beachscenes, the dancing and the music, and the other storylines, because next to the lead story are numberous other stories about love, friendship, growing up and persuiing your dreams.