Corey Haim: Me, Myself and I
Corey Haim: Me, Myself and I
| 01 January 1989 (USA)
Corey Haim: Me, Myself and I Trailers

Corey Haim wrote and starred in this exploitation movie, which is dedicated entirely to himself. Through the course of it, we are led on a tour of his "everyday life, " which includes a one-on-one hockey game with a middle aged man, him modelling the latest fashions, and several "heartfelt" talks about what a decent guy he is. Written by Duke

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
LouHomey From my favorite movies..
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Horst in Translation ( "Me, Myself and I" is a 36-minute documentary (?) from 1989, so this one is almost 30 years old and its age shows through the fact that the protagonist in here, Corey Haim, died already several years ago a most untimely death that may or may not have been connected to his longtime drug abuse. He is the prime example of a successful actor during his teenage years or childhood whose career went south pretty quickly when he was growing into an adult. Anyway, in here he is around the age of 18 and this was written and directed by Haim's fellow actor Brooke McCarter, also dead now sadly. It basically was supposed to show us how Haim spends his free time making sports like tennis or just driving around in his car for fun. We get to meet some of his friends and see and hear interview footage with him on many occasions from start to finish. Sure we will never know how much of what we saw in here was authentic and how much was staged, but that's also not too important I guess as regardless of how real it all was, it felt completely uninteresting and I have no idea why they thought people would want to watch this. Very full of himself if you ask me. Sorry Corey, I hope you rest in peace and all, but this one was just a complete no-go. I read that Haim was dating Alyssa Milano around the time when this was made and shame she isn't included I think. Like her and she was gorgeous back then, still is today I guess. Anyway, overall these slightly under 40 minutes were a big amateurish mess. Skip them please.
Steve Pulaski Around the late eighties news about Corey Haim's drug use was starting to circulate, and teen girls across the US were worried he was on his way to getting into serious trouble. Corey Haim: Me, Myself and I is Corey's attempt to take you in the scripted life of the actor himself. It's existence is questionable, unnecessary, and utterly ridiculous.This is a clearly scripted video diary with Haim's face to face with the camera interactions coming off very awkward, and suggesting he was under the influence while filming. Plus at the very end of the video we see the camera crew pack up. It doesn't even try to hide the fact that its fake.Haim was clearly forced to do this. He seems unfocused half of the show, and was probably forced to do this for his fans. The thing that annoyed me was when Haim would be interviewed, and be talking about his feelings on "kissing" and "sports" the interview would be interrupted by an unnecessary clip of Haim lounging on a raft, shirtless relaxing. The scenes were dragged on forever, and just all in all ridiculous.Corey Haim: Me, Myself & I is nearly unwatchable, and a sad end to the career of Haim himself. Sure he went on to do numerous films in the nineties, mostly humble Direct-to-VHS/DVD. But those were just forgettable, unrecognized films that were very cheaply made and now sold for pennies on Amazon. It's tragic to see Haim spiral to nothing after making a name for himself in the eighties, but false video diaries aren't the way to keep fans.Starring: Corey Haim. Directed by: William L Boyd and Brooke McCarter.
Julia Campbell 1989 - what a fabulous year. i was 12, and hopelessly in love with one Corey Haim. i had his gorgeous face plastered to my wall, my locker, and all of my books. i owned all his movies - the two best of which are clearly "Dream a Little Dream" and "License to Drive", but don't diss "Lucas" or "Lost Boys". i pined for him. and part of that ritual was watching "Me, Myself and I" almost every single day.i mean, who wouldn't die over a guy that says: "I think maybe ten years from now, I'm hopefully going to be, in like, Tahiti or something. Kicking back like in my huge mansion, if everything goes right, it's all up to me. Just watching like the dolphins, and the porpoises and the sharks and the little sea horses and all that fun stuff go by in a whole different country, while things happen back here." Now that i am almost 29 and i am married, i still carry a torch for this trouble soul. i can only hope that he will end up resurrecting his career like Corey Feldman by going on The Surreal Life or Yes, But Can They Sing? aaaah Corey. i'll be loving you forever.
speedny7 I don't know exactly what this movie is supposed to be, but its truly a horrible thing to watch. Its supposed to be a look into the life of Corey Haim, but the crew tells him exactly what to do and say. And yes, they actually show the crew doing this.