| 28 June 2008 (USA)
Copperhead Trailers

Small town in the Wild West is attacked by poisonous snakes.

Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
fullheadofsteam Let's face reality: most made-for-SyFy movies the past few years have been not only formulaic to the max, but pathetically scripted, acted, and cg'd. So to find this movie, which has some typical SyFy flick flaws but otherwise was fun, well then it's a gem among rocks. First is the intended or unintended visage of the protagonist lead character, because he looks more like an actor picked for a Western movie role than an authentic Old West character, so that starts us off on a fun note. The next best feature is Billy Drago as the antagonist -- he chews up every scene he is in and it is pure delight to watch his now-aged face and listen to his perfected southwestern drawl. And the movie builds tension remarkably well for a TV production. Of course the protagonist and antagonist end up in a cliché gunfight, but that's O.K. because by now we, the audience, WANT to see it! Without giving everything completely away here, let's just say that neither is killed but Billy Drago rides out of town but his little gang is left behind. The next sequence is, of course, the bigger event of the massive invasion into the town by zillions of deadly Copperhead snakes, and how the townspeople and remaining gang prepare for and deal with it. This is where the viewer is forced to focus on how a production and set designer can make a western town look dusty and authentic while being at the same time woefully low-budgeted so that the constructed town is perhaps too tiny overall. Now there are some real CG problems with the snakes, and some special effects problems such as where the hits are from a Gatling gun, but then there are some good (probably too few) splatter and snake-chopping effects. When Mama snake shows up, there's some real fun. What disappoints is that after the major snake encounters, Billy Drago doesn't show up to finalize his score with the lead character, which he had promised to do. In fact, the ending seems to have been a bit contrived to cover for that plot problem. But any time the good guy gets to ride off into the sunset (literally here), it's been a fun ride.
FightingWesterner Wild west clichés meet monster movie clichés in Copperhead, a slightly amusing Sci-Fi Channel (eh...SyFy) horror western about a group of rowdy outlaws and other stereotypes who stop fighting long enough to battle a deadly stampede of venomous snakes.My biggest question about Copperhead: Why are the snakes doing what they're doing? This is so monumentally illogical that only the Sci-Fi Channel could cook it up, though I must admit that it is a bit refreshing that the writers didn't invent some crackpot explanation for the events in the film.As ludicrous as it all was, I thought it was okay and the characters were fun, especially Billy Drago, who's a great actor and should have had more screen time.
urko-3 Just few facts. First: It's a movie with a prep of 4 weeks. It's shooting schedule is 20 days. 8 weeks for the edit. 2 mounts for the CGI work. Do the math. Time. Time. Time. The biggest problem of all. Don't get me wrong - Always can be better. Always. May be someone can do better in the same time frame. May be not. Second: As we all know period piece movies are kinda hard. All the costumes, props, sets, etc. Day and Night exteriors. I just think everyone did an extremely good job, for the amount of time they had. Third: I'm happy to read positive comments. That's how it should be. The people who are able to pull out a movie that looks like that don't deserve anything else. I really think some scenes and shots are great. There's a 2 and a half minute shot. Very nice duel on the street. Very nice photography in general. And then again -- Imagine what could be done with just a little bit more time.
microx96002 OK, it's no Oscar winner, but as westerns go, I have to admit it was pretty much OK. Can't wait for a sequel, you just know they left it wide open for one. One suggestion though, forget the snakes next time, make it a real western. Everyone in it did a great job, and yes there wasn't enough Billy Drago, but see what I said about being left open for a sequel. I think the director is a westerns fan, someone who knows his westerns, and is a little influenced by the spaghetti westerns of the 1960' and 70's. There was a touch of old fashioned TV western to the music also, little bit Bonanza, a little bit Rawhide, just hints. A competent western overall, the snakes were a bit too CGI, but that only added to the B movie feel. So, to the producers, a sequel please with the same cast, continuation of the story, but please, traditional western without the snakes.