Cool Air
Cool Air
| 03 November 2006 (USA)
Cool Air Trailers

Charlie Baxter, a struggling screenwriter, is searching for accommodation in a rundown mansion somewhere in the isolated mountains above Malibu. An expressionless and creatively bankrupt young man who rewrites exploitation sci-fi / horror scripts for a living, he takes a room in the mansion and learns of the mysterious doctor residing in the room above his own who dabbles in strange experiments. As he learns more about the circumstances of the doctor and the history of his landlady, her autistic daughter and the strange lodger across the hall, Baxter is inspired to write his long blocked "great American Screenplay". Working furiously, Baxter suffers a heart attack, and staggers up to see the doctor for treatment. He passes out immediately, but awakens a cured man. But at a terrible price.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Nessieldwi Very interesting film. Was caught on the premise when seeing the trailer but unsure as to what the outcome would be for the showing. As it turns out, it was a very good film.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
JoeB131 Lovecraft's original story is only about nine pages. This movie pads it out into a hour and half of boredom, unnecessary characters and a gender switch of the protagonist. (Lovecraft had almost no female characters in his stories.) It looks like everyone involved in this film was related, and it kind of looks like one of those awful fan films you see on YouTube without the good CGI. Of course, the movie is made a bit worse by the fact that we know now that "Science doesn't work like that", and they try to add a supernatural element that Lovecraft didn't bother with. (Supernatural elements and C'Thulhu being in his future.) We also see creepy scenes of a narrator hitting on an an autistic girl. The dialog is just dreadful when they try to add onto Lovecraft's original narrative.
Edgar Allan Pooh . . . H.P. Lovecraft's short story "Cool Air" is totally plagiarized from Edgar Allan Poe's tale entitled "The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar." Lacking the budget for period costumes, this 2006 Picturization of COOL AIR brings the yarn to the present and pads it out with every trick known to Cinemakind. Allegedly clocking in at "78 minutes," that already puny length includes a drawn-out 6 minutes, 13 seconds of opening credits and a snail's crawling 7 minutes, 41 seconds of closing credits. When you subtract 13 minutes, 54 seconds of credits from a 77-minute, 43-second running time, you're left with a mere 63 minutes, 49 seconds of movie. This is bad enough, but every shot in this film seems to be repeated ten times, with most of the dialog echoed again and again. A skilled editor easily could condense what's presented in the way of a story here to ten minutes or less. For viewers who NEED something about 80 minutes long as a sleep aid, I'd suggest skipping COOL AIR. Get one of those burning yule log DVD's instead. This will provide a better plot, superior special effects, and more natural acting than does COOL AIR. Plus, you'll probably sleep better!
in1984 2.5 of 10. You don't want to be stuck in a theater with nowhere to go when watching this, but not because it's scary. Despite its shortness, it feels painfully slow and I needed to increase the playback rate to get through.The acting and the FX are not at fault in this. The story and script simply have nothing of interest to share. Worse, obvious parts that needed updating to adjust for the age of the story it's based upon didn't get updated. Setting the leftovers of the 1980s in decay and the thin, white Apple notebook computer is a clear indication they wanted to provide a modern interpretation.Instead, it feels like a late 1940s/early 50s Hollywood script using tricks to hide the lack of substance. At best, an addition to an existing TV soap opera where the expectations and quality are already low.
Paul Magne Haakonsen As an avid fan of Lovecraft's work and most things Lovecraftian, then it was with some expectation that I sat down to watch this movie. Especially as it wasn't a huge Hollywood production, which just added to the enjoyment of the movie, to be honest."Cool Air" delivered some really nice performances of the people hired for the various roles, especially as this movie is character driven and not really driven by a scary mood or the ability to shock the audience time and time again. This is as much a character driven movie as it is a story driven one.This 2006 version of "Cool Air" is definitely well worth a watch if you enjoy the writings of H.P. Lovecraft. And even if you are unfamiliar with his work, there is some entertainment value to be found in this movie, as the story is nicely told and well executed. This is a great adaption based on Lovecraft's timeless piece of writing.Despite this being a fairly low budget movie, then the director managed to get things to work out nicely, without making use of dazzling CGI effects. There is a bit usage of effects, and they worked out well enough.Entertaining and enjoyable, "Cool Air" is well worth your time if you are looking for something to watch.