Confessions of a Psycho Cat
Confessions of a Psycho Cat
| 01 February 1968 (USA)
Confessions of a Psycho Cat Trailers

A deranged, wealthy woman offers $100,000 to three men if they can stay alive for 24 hours in Manhattan, and then hunts them down.

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Steineded How sad is this?
Manthast Absolutely amazing
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Michael_Elliott Confessions of a Psycho Cat (1968) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Virginia Marcus (Eileen Lord) invites three men to her home. She informs them that they're being offered $100,000 each to have her hunt them. If they can survive twenty-four hours then they get the money.This exploitation film is obviously a take off on THE MOST DANGEROUS GAME and for the most part it's an entertaining movie that fans of these low-budget thrillers should enjoy. The film certainly has some flaws scattered throughout its short 69-minute running time but there are also enough good things that make it worth watching.One good thing is the performance by Lord who actually delivers a believable character. The scenes dealing with her breakdown are very realistic and I thought this aspect brought quite a bit to the story, which in reality is rather weak. Another good thing were the three victims. Each of them are given a story as to why they're being hunted but also why they need the money. Add in some nice cinematography and you've got an interesting little movie.As I said, there are some flaws including the typical lack of story that haunts these types of movies. Even at just 69-minutes there are several scenes that just drag on for no other reason that to try and get the running time up. With that said, there's some sexploitation stuff thrown in including some bizarre sex scenes that spice things up a bit.CONFESSIONS OF A PSYCHO CAT isn't the greatest movie ever made but it's an interesting take on a familiar story.
Gbbooks In the 60s, I saw this film at the Fox Theater in Detroit. It may have been playing under the title " Loves of a Psycho Cat" or "Three Loves of a Psycho Cat" and was without the sexploitation scenes. I remember it possessing a certain charm. I've read the other comments posted. While it may not be great movie, "Psycho Cat" seems to have captured people's interest. If a print of this cut still exists, I believe, many might prefer this non-sexploitation version to the one released by Something Weird.
EyeAskance Genuine oddity in the world of grindhouse trash, this is a well rendered film that gives a fresh twist to a fairly unoriginal story. An eccentric woman assembles the ultimate hunt...and it's man season! A group of selected males must survive a single night as they are stalked for the kill...if they live, they win a large sum of cash. Comical and over-the-top, this is wild sleaze given the irritating sexploitation insert treatment(lengthy scenes of softcore sex, unrelated to the story)...still worth watching. 7/10
django-1 This very-low-budget independent thriller--a gritty NYC Freudian rewrite of The Most Dangerous Game--was a real surprise to me, as its director has no other credits on the IMDB. Psychotic Eileen Lord (whose performance belongs on the same shelf as Jack Nicholson's in THE SHINING or Tab Hunter's in THE AROUSERS)hunts down three men--a junkie, an over-the-hill stage actor, and a professional wrestler down on his luck--and cackles with glee while she's doing it. The crisp B&W New York locations are so real you can taste them, and the small, sparse sets (and some real houses/apartments too, it seems to me) are shot imaginatively. The camera work is unconventional and the editing is tight and gives the film a good pacing. Unfortunately, this film, which probably ran about 55 minutes in its original form, is ruined by about 15 minutes of poorly-shot nudie footage edited in at a later date, or at least shot by someone else who had no style to speak of. These inserts, I suppose, allowed the film to play on the "adult film" circuit, and probably gave it more of an audience than it could have gotten otherwise. However, it really belongs on the same shelf with films such as THE THRILL KILLERS, and its true audience is lovers of 60s sleazy,grim horror-crime films. Nudie fans have hundreds of films to enjoy, but CONFESSIONS OF A PSYCHO CAT is a rare gem that once seen is not soon forgotten. Perhaps the release of this on a snazzy new DVD will cause the makers to come out of the woodwork and talk to some film researchers...maybe someday there will be a DVD with DIFFERENT VERSIONS of the film, including one without the inserts? A must-see for students of 1960s independent cinema.
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