Complete Guide to Guys
Complete Guide to Guys
| 01 January 2005 (USA)
Complete Guide to Guys Trailers

Based on Dave Barry's book, the Complete guide to guys follows guyness from prehistoroc times, to current times and explains many of the mysteries we wonder. Like why do guys leave the toilet seat up, and why won't they ask for directions?

SoTrumpBelieve Must See Movie...
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
spaceinadaze7 This film does a good job in adapting Dave Barry's satirical observations on the foibles of the male gender and creates a funny gem of an independent film. Although women would surely see the truth and humor in this film, men would also find it funny.John Cleese, Dave Barry, and Dan Marino all give memorable performances in this film.The tongue-in-cheek humor and the episodic skits are reminiscent of "Hollywood Shuffle."Those familiar with Barry's many books will find the handling of this film true to his brand of humor.
Austin Edgington It was a great pleasure to sit along the shore of north Lake Tahoe and watch the only U.S. festival screening of DAVE BARRY'S GUIDE TO GUYS earlier this year at the Tahoe-Reno Film Festival. The pleasure was enhanced by the constant sound of laughter, snickers, giggles, and yes, some outright guffaws, from the opening scenes to the final credits. This is a good sign when watching a comedy, and the film did not disappoint. Written about guys for women the film captures the intricacies and foibles of being a guy and reveals them for the opposite sex. We predict G2G will become the date movie for anyone in a relationship!
hbg2941 I was sitting about two thirds of the way back, on the right side. Occasionally something happened that made the sound go weird, but I really liked this movie. It wasn't like everything else you see out there, and I give it a lot of credit for that. I liked how they brought the two couples in and out a lot, and I think they could have used them even more. The Dan Marino thing was hilarious, and I liked the bits with the repair guy. And the thing about the fictional baseball player, I always liked running gags like that.It was fun to see a movie that didn't do things the usual way. I get tired of these cookie- cutter formula deals. I'm not saying everything worked, because not all the jokes came off the way they probably wanted them to. But the majority of the scenes were really good.I didn't know a lot about Dave Barry but after this movie I am definitely a fan. I was grinning the whole way through it and laughing out loud more than once.
Andrew Nixon Last night I watched the world premiere of this movie at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival. While it made me chuckle several times, it just didn't seem to be very cohesive. I tended to enjoy the bits set in the modern day versus the silly caveman scenes. Though I am a big fan of John Cleese, his scenes didn't do much for me in this movie. One my favorite bits was Dan Marino explaining proper urinal etiquette. I think that was one of problems, it was more just a collection of bits than a complete movie. Some of the scenes were tied together, but it didn't seem to flow very well. With a $17.50 ticket price for this 72 minute film, I didn't feel I got my money's worth.** (out of 4)