Compelling Evidence
Compelling Evidence
| 01 January 1995 (USA)
Compelling Evidence Trailers

Rick Stone is the world's biggest action star but unfortunately, he is also the prime suspect in his wife's death. He must enlist the help of a conniving tabloid reporter named Dana Fields and the trust of his mistress Stephanie to try and clear his name.

Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Lachlan Coulson This is a gorgeous movie made by a gorgeous spirit.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Reaper The only possible reasons to watch this is if a) you are a Brigitte Nielsen completist; or b) you have a morbid desire to see the late Dana Plato's breasts (my reason was the latter, but I've already come to terms with my sickness).Bad acting, bad script, bad cinematography, and non-existent production values add up to worthless dreck, even by direct-to-video standards.Danny Fendley, playing a "famous action star" looks about as buff as my very fat beagle. Besides not looking good in the part, he can't act very well. This might have been part of The Method, of course: he became an action star in his own mind and like all action stars, was incapable of delivering lines well.Melissa Moore, who is topless in most of her scenes, looks like a topless action star. Not counting her chest, she's shrill and uninteresting.Dana Plato. Poor Dana Plato. She delivers some emotion (not much) in her readings, but you still wonder what she was doing here. Surely she had to know that even with nudity, this could not be a route back to Hollywood stardom. In retrospect, she only furnishes leering pathos.I don't remember much of Brigitte Nielsen. She was killed off shortly after giving a canned speech to her husband (the "action star").The script does not help this untalented cast. It's silly in terms of its plot, and plodding in its dialog.Even the subtitle, "Murder in Hollywood" is wrong: this was filmed (taped) in Atlanta. If Edward Wood had lived another 20 years, he might have ended up directing this, and probably would have improved it.
nitflegal Let me give the pros first. Brigitte Nielsen looks really good in this film and actually acts capably. She is also killed off in about 10 minutes. There is an attractive actress at the beginning who gets naked and then killed stupidly.That's it. There's nothing else to recommend about it.Matt
Mr Roboto You know you're watching a bad movie when you think, "What is Brigitte Nielsen doing in THIS?" A really awful movie. And I've seen some BAD movies. It all has to do with the world's most successful action-movie star getting caught in a murder conspiracy. You will not for a second believe that this guy could be the hottest actor in the world. Actually, everything about this movie is absurd and unconvincing. The only conceivable reason to watch it is Lynn Lowry, who hasn't been seen much since the '70s. But I'm sure you can think of more useful ways to pass the time.
Pookins I had the fortune to witness this "movie" recently and I can honestly say that it is THE worst movie I've ever seen. Yes, I said fortune, for it it is rare to see such a gloriously bad movie and I wholeheartedly enjoy the experience. I did not see the very beginning, so I had no idea who was in it, nor did I recognize the two big "stars" in it (Nielsen and Plato) when I saw them. Amazing considering how hugely popular both are [sarcastic remark #1].I happened to catch this while living in Costa Rica. Strangely, Cinemax (Skinemax) is broadcast in San Jose, the capital city. I think it is stolen from a satellite and relayed to a broadcast station, but don't tell anyone, OK? I need my bad movies. Anyway, it seems to be the only station in English (with Spanish subtitles) and since I was going through TV withdrawal, I sat back in the vacant hotel restaurant and watched. Initially, from the topless woman and bad acting, I thought it was a low budget soft-core porn flick, but this film could never hope to aspire to such lofty categorization [sarcastic remark #2]. The acting, mainly from Danny Fendley and Dana Plato, was simply atrocious. Plus we're supposed to believe that scrawny, poodle-haired Fendley is a big action movie celebrity in this movie. Plato plays a tabloid TV reporter, intent on scooping Fendley's affair by any means, including trespassing. Nielsen plays Fendley's wife who quickly dumps him after the affair is exposed on national TV. Shortly thereafter, Nielson shows up dead and the mystery begins. Boy with that kind of plot, who needs acting? [sarcastic remark #3]While watching this, I felt there just wasn't something right about the reporter character. This plainly unattractive yet wholesome looking woman making sleazy come-ons to this cheating jerk of a character just left me feeling odd. Then while watching the credits to identify the perpetrators of this cinematic terrorism, I finally realized the source of my unease. The reason why this bad actress gave me the willies was because she's FREAKIN' KIMBERLY FROM DIFFERENT STROKES! Somehow time has diminished this young lady's acting abilities and standards. But it seems that she can't even degrade herself properly. The 2 "love" scenes that she participates in are carbon copies of each other and are about as arousing as watching an old person negotiate stairs [sarcastic remark... OK let's just stop counting].Don't worry moviegoers, everyone's respective bad acting seeps into even the last moments of their simplistic characters' sad little lives. Luckily, only one main character survives. I'll let you see the movie to find out who.Seriously, if you enjoy bad movies, please make an effort to see this movie. I'm sure that Dana and Bridgitte would appreciate the royalties.