| 14 November 1962 (USA)
Commando Trailers

A French Foreign Legion commander is told to assemble a unit and capture an Algerian rebel leader. He gathers in his old unit, most of whom are no longer in top form. One is having nightmares of past indiscretions, another is now drinking, another has lost his nerve. He takes them in captures the leader, but then is unable to make it to the pick up. He encounters a rebel patrol and is trapped unless they can escape before their water runs out.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Fred Schaefer Like everyone else who has posted a review, I remember seeing this movie when I was a kid; for me that would have been back in the early 70's on a Sunday afternoon movie marathon. In America, it was shown under the title COMMANDO, and I think in many ways it is superior to the Schwarzenegger film of the same title from the 80's.Movies like these had great appeal for us kids back in the day, where the story centered on a group of tough, but flawed professionals, doing a dirty job that only they can do. In COMMANDO it is the Foreign Legion and the dirty job is fighting in the Algerian War. There's nothing romantic here, men and women die for very bad reasons and the only thing the survivors can walk away with is their self respect and the admiration of their comrades.The thing that stands out in my memory most from COMMANDO is the ironic ending, where the captured rebel leader is released so he can now take part in peace negotiations after so many brave men have given their lives to bring him to justice. Only Stewart Granger's Captain remains to walk away with the orphan boy at his side; an unforgettable scene.There was also the distinctive musical score that perfectly set the mood; a version of it by Ken Thorne was a big hit in the UK and can be found on Youtube. I bet outside of die hard movie buffs, no one remembers Stewart Granger, but he was a real movie star who made some decent films back in the 50's; check out KING SOLOMON'S MINES or NORTH TO ALASKA.And finally, because of a B movie like COMMANDO, I learned something about Algeria at a young age, things not taught in a World History or Geography class.
arbibriggs I have similar memories to other reviewers having seen the film in 1963/64 at the age of 13. What made the biggest impression on me were the opening credits which I recall being genuine footage of street fighting in Algiers which would freeze to display a credit and then move on. All to the sound of Concerto Disperato played, presumably, by Nino Rosso. Concerto Disperato is available on Nini Rosso Greatest Hits CDs. But my advice is to ignore as the Ken Thorne version is far superior a) in terms of trumpet playing and b) arrangement. Especially as Nini Rosso sings (badly) over the middle section. But getting a genuine CD recording has alluded me for years. I have a ripped mp3 (off a 45). The film overall made a big impression but I often wonder whether, if I saw it now, I would be bitterly disappointed. After all, I was only 13 when I saw it.
Tony Greig Like your other reviewers, I remember this film from my childhood. The Plot was stirring, the plight the soldiers found themselves in was gripping yet desperate, and the music both haunting and memorable.I can only recall the scenes mentioned by other reviewers, such as the tortured soldier, who's life was ended by a bullet from Granger, with the approval of his comrades in arms, yet none of them would have shown the strength of personality to perform the act.I only wish that this film was available on DVD or other media to relive again. If anyone knows whether it is due for release, I am sure I will be one of many who would be glad to know.
Bigeagle12 I saw this film in 1962 when I was 14 years old here in the UK, it was shown as a B film, but I enjoyed it but more so I really enjoyed the film soundtrack, suddenly this film became very cool with my contemporaries and the theme tune was re recorded by some UK band and became a hit for several weeks, but the original theme was called Concerto Disperato and was recorded by a brilliant trumpeter called Nino ROSSO, this also became available in The UK from Duram records, since then with the advent of CD I have really struggled to locate this sound track, meanwhile I often wish I could see the film again. The plot as I recall involved The Foreign Legion being tasked to rescue an Algerian and return him in one piece, everything possible happens to the soldiers and a lot is revealed about the main star Stewart GRAINGERs character.