Comanche Territory
Comanche Territory
NR | 01 May 1950 (USA)
Comanche Territory Trailers

Silver has been found on comanche territory and the government accomplished a peaceful agreement with the indians. When James 'Jim' Bowie comes into the scene he finds the white settlers living near by planning to attack the indians although they know about that agreement and the beautiful Katie seems to play a leading role in this intrigue.

Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Scott LeBrun Silver has been discovered on Comanche lands. The U.S. government has reached a deal with the Comanches for mining of the land, but it seems that greedy locals want to make sure that they're not made aware of any agreement. The legendary James Bowie (Macdonald Carey) arrives on the scene, realizing that he's got his work cut out for him in trying to prevent hostilities from flaring. Among the characters that he meets are genial politician Dan'l Seeger (Will Geer) and the incredibly feisty local businesswoman Katie Howard (Maureen O'Hara).Overall, this is a reasonably absorbing if also routine Western. It is beautifully shot, in colour, by Maury Gertsman. It treats its Indian characters with a modicum of respect, although it does take one out of the action seeing that Rick Vallin, playing Pakanah, is clearly white. A fairly short running time (76 minutes) and adequate direction (by George Sherman) help to make this pass the time agreeably. Certainly the big action finale is rousing enough.The cast is the best asset that the movie has. Carey is an engaging lead. O'Hara is at her most fiery and ravishing as Katie. Carey and Geer have fine chemistry, and Geer, who steals the show, clearly has some fun playing a rather colourful character. Charles Drake is also good as Katies' brother Stacey. Other players include Pedro de Cordoba as Comanche chief Quisima, Ian MacDonald (the villain in "High Noon" two years later) as Walsh, film debuting Parley Baer as Boozer the bartender, James Best as Sam, and Glenn Strange as Big Joe.There's nothing here that's really all that memorable, but it *is* entertaining.Six out of 10.
xredgarnetx This little-seen quasi-Western from 1950 stars McDonald Carey as Jim Bowie helping his friends, the Indians, from an army of marauding white men out to steal Indian land for its silver. The action is set well before the Civil War, so it is improper to call this a Western, although on the meager budget this was shot on, there are plenty of classic Western outfits on display throughout. Carey is at his prime here, and makes for a virile and resourceful Bowie. An absolutely stunning and very youthful Maureen O'Hara is his feisty love interest, who initially is all for white folks taking over Indian land. She wears some silly outfits that look like they came from a Roy Rogers flick, but she also gets to wear at least one formal dress that shows off her distinctive assets. She also gets to put on quite a brogue, enough so that you might think you're watching THE QUIET MAN from time to time. All in all, a fun "B" flick of a type now long forgotten.
bkoganbing Famous frontiersman Jim Bowie is sent by President Andrew Jackson to make sure the terms of a treaty with the Comanche is being carried out. But another emissary has been bushwacked and the Comanches never got the new treaty. It's up to Jim with his trusty knife to investigate what's going on. Nefarious villains are after the silver that's on the Comanche land.Of all the American frontier characters in our history, Jim Bowie has had the biggest whitewash. In real life this man was a slavetrader, a land swindler and all around frontier scoundrel. The knife he is credited with inventing was made probably to his specifications, but by someone else. He had a certain amount of charm as MacDonald Carey plays him here with, but definitely was not of good character.Andy Jackson might have bought a slave or three for the Hermitage from Jim Bowie, but never would have sent him on a diplomatic mission. And the Comanches who were not a blip on the American frontier radar yet, would not have made a deal with Jackson if they heard anything about what happened to the Cherokee.Maureen O'Hara got to create another redheaded spitfire character that she was doing in picture after picture at this point of her career. Will Geer as the other Jackson emissary probably has the best part in this film.Average Hollywood western which has absolutely nothing to do with reality. But the kiddies might like it.
alexandre michel liberman (tmwest) This film has got quite a few things going for it, first Maureen O´Hara looking her best, the fact that it shows the native Americans as being good people and defending their interests and being absolutely right. The most interesting aspect that I found is the character of Jim Bowie and his famous knife.We see the knife many times, with the details described and we also see how the knife is made. The guns that people carry are also different from your average western, they look older and they carry them in front under their belts. Bowie for example carries his knife in a holster where normally you would put your gun. The colors and scenery are outstanding, and the fact that you see O´Hara punching guys will sure delight the feminists.