| 20 October 2014 (USA)
Coffer Trailers

On a common night like any other, a solitary woman suddenly hears a muffled but nonetheless alarming sound coming from a plain wooden family chest. Will she confront face-to-face whatever hides inside?

CheerupSilver Very Cool!!!
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kirpianuscus ...and its birth with real simple tools. that is all. a woman. an old chest. a sound. and the end. like others films by David Sandberg, the real admirable thing is the return at origins. to scary in the old style fashion, remembering German fairy tales, using the viewer as part of game, suggesting more than giving. proposing the atmosphere more than the story. and this is the motif for who, the chain of 3 minutes short films of David Sandberg are great refuges for classic horror fans.
Flow I think that the space created here was just enough for a better ending. It was rather obvious what we were about to see from the very start, so I would describe it as eerie more than anything.A little mystery at first, curiosity and very fast fear is installed. The story rushes to show us what it's all about yet it just feels that there was room for better. All in all, good practice for Sandberg and his future work. His long length projects so far, are quite the step up from the typical horror of today. Looking forward for more.Cheers!
Horst in Translation ( I must say after having watched some of David F. Sandberg's recent works, I have become quite a fan. I am generally not too big on the horror genre, but his approach truly impresses me. It is scary to the extent that I can't look, but also can't look away. The moment she looks inside the box is pretty terrifying. When she tries to listen and keeps her eyes away from the box, it was obvious something bad is about to happen that she would not see right away. Lotta Losten does a good job here as well. No need for dialogue and no need for a super-attractive actress if the story is just captivating enough. And this one sure is. Sandberg's films are all very short and maybe this is their strength as they are also very essential at the same time. You get no messed-up story or cheap thrills, you just get great horror all the time you watch. I also believe his camera work is excellent and I hope he will make a full feature someday and it will be just as good as his short film works. I highly recommend "Coffer".
John Beckerman Although my least favorite of the 3 Sandburg films, this one fails to disappoint. The film lacks that "new horror" feel, based on the fact that the object possessed is a... chest. Nothing new about it.On the other hand, the short still delivers that unexpected feeling of "what will happen next?"This film, like Sandburg's other works, still forces me to "watch through the crack between my fingers", as it creates a constant feeling of horror. I consider the lack of dialogue a sorry loss, but for what it doesn't have, it makes up in music. The audio effects is what contributes to the scare factor.
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