Cléo from 5 to 7
Cléo from 5 to 7
NR | 27 January 2018 (USA)
Cléo from 5 to 7 Trailers

Agnès Varda eloquently captures Paris in the sixties with this real-time portrait of a singer set adrift in the city as she awaits test results of a biopsy. A chronicle of the minutes of one woman’s life, Cléo from 5 to 7 is a spirited mix of vivid vérité and melodrama, featuring a score by Michel Legrand and cameos by Jean-Luc Godard and Anna Karina.

Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
iam_abel09 A beautiful blonde walks down the street. Everyone stares. As Cléo walks through the busy streets of Paris, everyone goes about their day but not without admiring her gorgeous appearance. Her appearance, is so attractive that everyone, even women stare, or is it that the public stares for another reason? Cléo's beauty unmatched through the film suggests a theme of vanity and superficial obsession in which the main character chooses to hide behind, she states "Ugliness is a kind of death... As long as I'm beautiful, I'm alive more than others."Cléo from 5 to 7 was directed and written by Agnès Varda, one of the few women writer and directors of her time. The main actors include a famous singer named Cléo, her guardian or maid Angela and there is a brief appearance of the following characters; Antoine, Dorothée, Bob and her lover. The film was released in April, 1962 and has an average rating of 7.9 out of 10 stars which exemplifies a decent film. The film is based on the Cléo's painful two hour wait for the result of a biopsy that will determine whether she has cancer or not. Although clearly in turmoil, Cléo proves to be quite the selfish and vain character. Treating her maid Angela with little to no respect and expecting everyone around her to love her and shower her with attention. Ironically, when she walks the streets, she seems to feel uncomfortable from everyone starting at her and giving her attention. The two hours of waiting time prove agonizing for her as the thought of having a terminal illness crushes her spirits of a healthy and beautiful life. As she walks the streets she is dressed in black as if already mourning her own death. According to Cléo, "your beauty is your health." Yet the character changes through the progression of the film as she later realizes that there is also "beauty in imperfections." One of my favorite parts of the movie is when Cléo is swinging in her apartment as pair of wings hang on her wall and align perfectly when she is at the highest point of her swing and Angela rocks in her char. This scene proves the child like characteristics of Cléo and the motherly traits that are shown by Angela. The swinging and the rocking set up a perfect paradox between the life of a young lady and the life of an older woman. The music was also beautiful. The song performed in her apartment was a very emotional love song. It seemed like a perfect song for her situation. I recommend this movie, especially to fans of musicals. This movie is geared towards adults since it contains many themes that are not clearly pointed out in the film. I liked the movie because of its theme of the fear of death, which is something that most of us can relate to. I also enjoyed the movie because of the way that it was shot. Some of the scenes make you feel the anxiety that Cléo must have felt throughout the two hours.
Boba_Fett1138 It's not like I simply love everything that is French. Au contraire! But there is no denying it that French movies from the old days often have something very special about them. Artistic, quiet, beautiful, engaging and for from boring, even though not an awful lot is always happening in it, as is also the case with this movie.It actually is its simplicity that makes this movie. Everything is very clear about this movie; we know who the main characters is and what she is going through. It's a movie without little complications to its story and instead decides to simply follow its main character and a couple of hours of her life.Another beautiful thing about this movie is that it's actually about a pretty heavy and serious subject. This movie could had so easily turned into something dramatic and sentimental but it instead feels like a very positive movie. It's a nice spin to the genre and it takes a real pleasant approach, that also helps to make this movie a very engaging one.This is at least what I got from this movie. As often is the case with these sort of movies, you might get something totally different out of it. It's also obviously being filled with metaphors and symbolism, without this ever becoming too distracting by the way. But because of this storytelling approach, you might interpret things different as I did, so it really still above all things is something you have to experience for yourself.It's a beautifully shot movie with some great camera-work at times. The movie is deliberately being kept small and simplistic, with both its story and visuals, which all was something director Agnès Varda obviously understood- and handled very well. It's a subtly done film, that perhaps requires multiple viewing to fully get everything out of it.Nicely done genre film with a great approach to it.8/10
Nathaniel Opara Cléo de 5 à 7 is a French film made in 1962 directed by Agnès Varda. The story starts with a young singer, Florence "Cléo" Victoire, at 5PM June 21, as she waits until 7PM appointment. The lead in the film is Corinne Marchand who plays Florence 'Cléo Victoire' who is a pop singer wandering around Paris while she awaits her medical test results. Cléo readies herself to meet with her doctor at 7 o'clock by buying hats, travelling around the city, singing with her producers and seeing her lover and meeting with several other friends and strangers while trying to grapple with mortality. She is frequently upset throughout the movie from the lack of perceived care about her impeding visit and her frustration is lashed out to all those who speak with her. This is especially true for her accompanied assistant/friend Angèle played by Dominique Davray during most of the movie. Interesting enough the vast majority of the movie is black and white with only the 1st scene in the movie in color. In this scene Florence is having her future told to her from Tarot reading in the reading she is told lied to by the fortune teller who wishes to spare her the bad news of her death, from then on the movie is black/white. Throughout the film the usage of mirrors is very prevalent; they symbolize the self-obsession Cléo has for her looks.The film is confronts several of the themes such as existentialism, including discussions of mortality, the idea of despair, and leading a meaningful life. Cléo feels that she has not lived a meaningful life and the frustration with that turns into despair when facing her own mortality. The film has a strong feminine viewpoint and raises questions about how women are perceived in Western society.
uziiman Cleo from 5 to 7 is probably Agnes Varda's most well known masterpiece. As all art movies its more about the visual style than the actual plot. The plot can be summed up as the story of a famous singer who realizes that she may die of cancer. She awaits her results with a mosey sense of gloom and dread. The movie is basically following her around from 5 o clock to 7 o clock with everything she does documented for the viewer. We see a strange relationship between Cleo and her servant. Her servant is strange in that she always tries to undermine Cleo as if she is jealous of her lifestyle. I found the servant to be a bit of a sadist enjoying the pain of Cleo under the guise of friendship. Cleo eventually runs into her lively and youthful friend and hangs out with her without telling her of her illness. They eventually split ways and Cleo is again left alone to cope with her tragic future. She eventually meets a young soldier whom she initially despises, but grows fond of as she realizes that he is not interested in getting in her pants. They connect on a human basis with conversations about life. Together they learn the truth about her disease, but the soldier eventually goes off to Algeria leaving Cleo alone again. All in all Cleo from 5 to 7 is an interesting window into human emotion and the need for human interaction.