Close Call
Close Call
| 16 April 2004 (USA)
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In Los Angeles, the young Jenny has a nice childhood with her Korean parents Joanne and David Kim. However, after the divorce of her parents, the judge gives her custody to her selfish mother that neglects Jenny while the disappointed David returns to Seoul. Six years later, Jenny is a troubled and reckless teenager expelled from the public school that has easy sex and uses drugs and booze, and her best friend is the orphan drug dealer Becky. The lawyer Elliot Krasner decides to call his former friend David to tell him about the self-destructive behavior of Jenny, and David returns to Los Angeles. He brings Jenny to live with him and support her, but the lack of emotional structure of Jenny imposes tough difficulties for their relationship.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Claudio Carvalho In Los Angeles, the young Jenny (Kaye Lu) has a nice childhood with her Korean parents Joanne (Christina Ma) and David Kim (Philip Moon). However, after the divorce of her parents, the judge gives her custody to her selfish mother that neglects Jenny while the disappointed David returns to Seoul. Six years later, Jenny (Annie Lee) is a troubled and reckless teenager expelled from the public school that has easy sex and uses drugs and booze, and her best friend is the orphan drug dealer Becky (Faleena Hopkins). The lawyer Elliot Krasner (Jeff Fahey) decides to call his former friend David to tell him about the self-destructive behavior of Jenny, and David returns to Los Angeles. He brings Jenny to live with him and support her, but the lack of emotional structure of Jenny imposes tough difficulties for their relationship."Close Call" is a dramatic coming-to-age story of a girl completely lost with a broken family after a divorce process. The plot is not so deep like, for example, "Christiane F. - Wir Kinder Vom Bahnhof Zoo" or "Engel & Joe", and in some corny moments it seems to be a soap-opera with optimistic conclusion. However, the gorgeous and sexy Annie Lee has a magnificent performance in her debut, making this movie worthwhile. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "No Limite" ("In the Limit")
ashland838 Without getting to in depth into the the plot this well thought out drama rises on the performance of Annie Lee. She steels the movie form all her costars and puts on an excellent performance playing the gritty angst filled teen. I sometimes found the movie going from theatre quality when she's in the scenes to afterschool special when she wasn't in the scenes, but inspite of this minor setback the story is well thought out and it paints a vivid picture about kids nowadays, and how easily their whole lives can spin out of control. This isn't a movie for the weak of heart as it pulls no punches, and I love the smashmouth reality this movie reveals. I hope to see more movies starring Annie, and Close Call is well worth the watch.
thejefffahey I just saw the film & I couldn't stop crying. I'm a person who actually did a lot of the things portrayed in the film & I related to the film 100%, surprisingly. It was very realistic for me. Some things were a little cheesy, but they made me laugh. For an indie, the production value was very good & every actor in the film was believable & gave stellar performances.I was shocked to see that the actress in the film was directed by her father! There were some intense sexual scenes, cursing, nudity, you name it...couldn't believe it. I give Annie Lee even more respect considering the things that she did in this film...outrageously awesome. And I don't know how the director, Jimmy Lee, did it. He didn't lose the focus of the story or the characters. I liked the way he captured some moments with different angles & close-ups.I was entertained throughout & I really enjoyed the behind the scenes. I'm glad the filmmakers took a courageous risk & confronted this topic, casted Asian actors & made a film like this. Something that actually means something & not just to make a buck. It was refreshing to see something different.I was also surprised to find out it was a true story. It was very interesting to find out how people from different cultures, race, age, or gender confront the same issues in life. It didn't matter in this film. Very inspiring story...going to call my father now.
fauxrealist I would say Close Call is one of the worst movies I have ever seen, if I considered it an actual film.It is a joke, and is only inadvertently funny at that. It is a trainwreck of nightmarish proportions.From the first few minutes Close Call's choppy callow editing alone makes your stomach turn.The acting is terrible.The production value is so low budget, you almost begin to pity it.This (fill in the blank) is so horrifyingly bad I cannot comment on it further.If you are masochistic,and love torture-see Close Call.I will say this for those who are not masochistic,instead of watching Close Call,read a book, watch paint dry,play air guitar,thumb wrestle,listen to a Jessica Simpson album,Fondue,challenge the mirror to a staring contest.Do anything else.