Good concept, poorly executed.
A Masterpiece!
Portia Hilton
Blistering performances.
This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
For those of you who believe in Climate Change (Duh!) but don't believe that humans are the driving force - and are sick and tired of being called a "denier".....this movie is for you. But really - it SHOULD be for everyone else. If this movie does not give think that maybe, just maybe, there are more complicated forces at work - then there is little hope that you'll extricate yourself from the dogma that has sullied science. The movie is funny and fact-filled - and really only scratches the surface of the behind-the-scenes politics that drive the Green agenda.Enjoy - let sanity prevail.
Any true scientist will tell you that in science the book is never closed on any issue, and that includes the THEORY of man-made global warming. Politicians, dictators and their flunkies in The Establishment Press are the ones who close books. In today's political climate (no pun intended) the pro-Globalist elite try to keep the books closed by enforcing the unwritten but very real regulations on behavior and thought control that are collectively known as The Rules of Politically Correctness. In doing so they are employing the same method used in Leftist one-party states such as North Korea, Cuba and California. Galileo and Copernicus are just two of the many people who were made to suffer for daring to think outside of the box and disregarding the PC rules of their day. Furthermore, reasonable certainly in the field of science is never attained by consensus. Virtually one hundred percent of "scientists" once believed that the world is flat and people like Copernicus and Galileo were made to suffer for taking exception to the orthodox view.
I found it enlightening that so many scientists are questioning "global warming". After all we keep hearing that 97% of scientists agree that humans cause climate change, aka global warming. This movie actually shows how that 97% was acquired. Turns out that the sample size was only 67 people. When I was in college, my statistics class would never had allowed me to use such a small sample size. Not only was this 97% made up of so very few, but most were not even climate scientists. Humm, the news on TV never mentions this. As that matter goes the press fails to report the news on global warming accurately. One question they never did get around to was why doesn't the media report the real facts? I do recommend watching it if for no other reason than to get the other side of the story. When it comes out on DVD, I will have to buy it so that I can determine if all of the facts stated were correct.
Remember the Global Warming Swindle from 2007? That turned out to be about as accurate as an episode of Ancient Aliens.Distorted partial facts, statistics out of context, sound bites edited just right and some ideologically motivated people trying to tell a barely coherent story.Climate Hustle is a lot like that, but with more conspiracies. Big Science is out to take away your right to drive a gas-powered car and Big Government will soon only let you crawl around in a golf cart!On top of that, the pinkos want to take control of the planet by installing a world government. This is just one of the first baby steps! Wake up sheeple!If you're into this sort of thing, knock yourself out and watch it, the risk of eye rolls and face palms not withstanding. (END OF RANT)