City Streets
City Streets
NR | 18 April 1931 (USA)
City Streets Trailers

A mobster's daughter leads her boyfriend from the circus into bootlegging.

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
gridoon2018 The story is cliched and a bit vague (good guy and good girl get corrupted and sucked into the criminal world around them), but director Rouben Mamoulian isn't very interested in the story; this is really an art movie that follows the surface guidelines of a gangster movie. Pictorially striking and well-acted (especially by Guy Kibbee, whom I've never seen playing such a sleazeball before), it could be classified as an early attempt at avant-garde cinema, decades before avant-garde cinema was in vogue. **1/2 out of 4.
hayleygorman-43033 This film was slower and calmer than I expected from a gangster flick, especially one that was pre-Code, but it was very good nonetheless. The importance and pull of this film comes from the cinematography techniques and allusions. I found myself noticing creative usage of angles, one that especially comes to mind is when you see characters talking to someone out of the shot (which I had not seen in a movie from this era before). Scenes faded and transitioned well, not jarringly, which other films from this time have a tendency have a tendency to do. And using inner monologue to display what someone is thinking, so innovative! Overall, a fine movie with innovative techniques used.
d-touponse Gary Cooper and Sylvia Sydney play magnificent roles in this gangster/romantic film. The love between them was what kept me watching. Near the beginning she wants him to be successful and have money, but once she realizes how lucky she is that he's not involved in any gangs she wants it to stay that way. Things like that always seem to turn around. Their acting was phenomenal and she delivered all the scenes perfectly like she was really in the moment. Her facial expressions and close ups are what really made me fall in love with her character. She's very hostile towards the gangsters, "red hot." I loved that feisty personality.
jrich-37411 A mobster's daughter is in love with a not so wealthy shooting gallery showman. Nan has always tried to convince her boyfriend "the kid" to work with her father in the "beer" business. After assisting her father with hiding the evidence of a murder, Nan is placed in jail for being caught with her father's gun that was used for the murder. After spending time in jail and seeing all of the crime and what it can do to you, Nan has changed her mind about wanting "kid" to work with her father, but she may be too late.Once it gets going this film definitely keeps you on your feet. The mixture of crime and love is just enough to keep you interested. This movie shows how power can both change you and brainwash you.