| 07 November 2008 (USA)
Circulation Trailers

The film is about reincarnation and takes place in a purgatory where the dead still have human form and the world around them looks the same as the living world. However, the people living in this purgatory start to develop animal instincts. Gene, a retiree vacationing in Baja, is learning the instincts of a spider through his dreams and stumbles upon a woman who is destined to be reborn as a caterpillar/moth. The film explores a world where human and animal intertwine as one.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
annabaloo Just re-watched this pearl for the first time in a few years and it inspired me to write this review.The first five minutes or so of the movie is a story we have seen many times before. A woman is on the run in the Mexican desert. Violence happens. But unlike the other movies, in Circulation, death is only the beginning. I won't reveal any more of the plot, but I will say that it is a truly original storyline. Something that is not common in movies. The movie is beautifully shot, and the setting in the Baja California desert perfectly complements the action.This is the kind of movie that stays with you for a long time. Overall would highly recommend, though full disclosure: some scenes may not be appropriate if you are afraid of spiders! Acting is good too, especially Yvonne Delarosa in the role of Ana.
begob A laconic drifter picks up a pretty hitcher, after she survived a crash when kidnapped by her violent ex-husband. Together they set out on a strange journey.Odd road movie that gives away too much in the IMDb description and the opening, noir-style voice over. The direction and writing are naive, probably taking on more than they can handle, but the concept is interesting and needed more sophistication for full delivery. Shades of Tarantino and Lynch, but the dialogue is no more than functional, the editing klutzy, and there are plenty of impracticalities to take you out of the story.A previous reviewer's point about the spider-rope metaphor is good, but the insect-arachnid sequences were needed to remind us of stuff the screenplay couldn't deliver. This is literal enough to be a horror, albeit one that lacks guts. Lead actress is good, touch of Chloe Sevigny in her close-ups. The threatening characters needed to be a lot more intense and stylized.Music suited it perfectly, the most enjoyable part of a short but fairly slow running time.Overall, slightly interesting so I mark it up to 5.
garlick_2 I got fooled by a couple of reviews here on IMDb stating that this was a good movie. It also had a pretty good rating of 7+ stars when I decided to watch it and since the rating has dropped to 4, where it should be.I now know I need to read a little further into the comments. This was a bad movie. The plot wholes were so big you could drive a giant semi truck through them. The main characters were not like able. Nor could you relate to them in any way.There were no real redeeming values I could say this film holds. It doesn't really tell a story, in the sense of beginning, middle & end. It also doesn't leave you feeling like you need to watch more of this supposed plot, and the characters are so flat that you can't say they were doing a character study.All I can say is stay away from this one. It's not good.
tpwilson-3 Went to the local premiere for this film the other night. Now, I've been to premieres before, and you never know what to expect. Should I get up and walk out if it's bad? Do I stay and pretend to enjoy it?Well, this one gripped me right from the beginning. Fascinating characters. Interesting story line. More than its share of truly creepy moments. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it for days. The only reason I don't give it more than an 8, well, I don't want Ryan Harper to think he's hit his peak after only one movie. Besides, I didn't completely understand it until afterward, when someone who has seen it several times explained it to me.Well worth the ticket price in a day and age when so many movies are just a waste of time. My only regret... I didn't get Mr. Harper's autograph! He's going to be famous someday!