Christina's House
Christina's House
R | 06 April 2000 (USA)
Christina's House Trailers

A teenage girl is plagued by bizarre occurrences and deaths related to her new home.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Jakealope First off, being a library loan, it was free, so it's easier to be charitable when no money was spent. But I will have to talk to the local library for content control, cause this one had no redeeming value to it.Allison Lange, playing the titular role, is the usual excuse for a teenage girl growing up in a stressful household. Of course, she is hot as hell and gives the movie the cheesy sex appeal, including some mammary gland shots and lots of skimpy revealing clothes. But she is no great actor. Even John Savage, the one big name actor, playing her angry father with hints of incest and abuse thrown in, delivers a stunningly pathetic performance. The plot is totally convoluted. You see they live in this old rental house for months, yet there is some person who lives in the attic, between the walls, basement etc who created this whole second set of rooms that of course none of the three residents of record, including her manipulative video gaming brother, ever happened on. So this fourth resident starts killing young girls, apparently for no real reason though at the end we learn that this killer was someone that her psycho mother sent to watch over her daughter. Apparently Dad moved them to rural Washington state to be near their psycho wife-mother in some asylum, but for one time, they never visited her. So there is this whole poorly executed psycho-drama routine- is Christina crazy by genetics, or maybe her father-local sheriff-obnoxious boyfriend or the weird Brad Pitt look-a-like handyman is the fourth resident and/or killer.There is one scene that really exposed the plot for being weak and pedestrian. The killer, for reasons that will never make sense, lured Christina's boyfriend's ex girl friend over to the house so the killer could do her in, why? When Christina finds the rival's body in the stream in front of their house, they call the police. So the one creepy sheriff shows up and there is one scene where he interviews all the witnesses in the house, Christina, her brother, friend and, even though he was not there when they found the body, her crummy boyfriend. So it devolves into a shouting match between between creepy sheriff and boyfriend. You'd think they would spring for some paramedics, coroner, more cops, etc since some local girl was murdered and dumped and maybe that would get the whole small town, where everyone knows and cares about each other, riled up. But no, just a stupid pointless confrontation between sheriff and boyfriend. The director could have bribed local first responder versions to play themselves for a pittance, free wings or new gear, but not even one ambulance.Nobody expects great plots or acting in such movies. But when these elements slip through the floor, along with a host of stinking red herrings, that is what constitutes a poor slasher, non psycho drama movie. Even the one authentic creepy element, the link between her psycho mom and the killer, was never even developed which could have been a real avenue of horror and drama. A better plot and acting would have made it a worthwhile genre standard,
insomniac_rod Soon forgotten toned down Slasher flick starring Allison Lange. The movie is at the first half a whodunnit Slasher but it keeps giving the audience hints about who could be the killer. First, the jealous insecure boyfriend has some weird attitudes and even attacks Howie for no reason. Then, the father who is a pervert and looks at his daughter as a sexual object performs some actions that could make you think he's a loony. Then, we have Howie. The "pretty" boy who fixes the house but he really isn't a "normal" boy.If you haven't watched the movie give it a try; it's not as bad as people say but it's not a good movie by any means. The plot is kind of interesting but predictable. Almost all the death scenes are off-screen you can discard gore in this one.Overall this is the kind of movie to watch while you are doing "anything" else. For example, if you are chatting or talking over the phone with someone boring, , "Christina's House" may be the perfect option. Allison Lange is really beautiful and can act. She should appear in more important movies.
f-society I don't write comments on most the movies since most of the comments from other users have justified the movie. But this one, most people just assumed that this is another "wannabe" horror flick (and at the time of this writing, users have given this movie average weight of around 3). In reality, it is far from it. I would say, it is above average.The movie is a little slow. All I can say without spoiling is that, the real twist is in the end. Trust me.There are no "big" actors in this movie and that doesn't make this movie a b-flick.8/10
RareSlashersReviewed I bet that the excellent marketing that promoted the UK cover of Christina's House fooled many unsuspecting ‘victims' into parting with the wonga to rent it. The front Boldly boasts that it's ‘from the hit-making writers of Poltergeist', backed with a quote from Videoworld, ‘Fantastic! – It will scare the hell out of you'. Flip to the reverse and we're informed that star, Brad Rowe is the new Brad Pitt or Leonardo Di Caprio and underneath we learn that this is a ‘must see Box Office smash'. But the real Hyperbole came from the ingenious warning box, which states that we should be prepared for the most terrifying 92 minutes of our lives! Blimey, could this be the new exorcist? Credit has to be given to the buffs over at Xscapade video; I don't think I've ever seen so much brouhaha. They'd make 3000 miles to Graceland look like Citizen Kane if they had the chance! The box-art had me believe that this was some kind of creepy Amityville spin-off, involving a spooky haunted house and plenty of spiritualism. But the truth is, it's just a lamer than lame Scream wannabe that's about as ‘terrifying' as Big Bird from Sesame Street! Unsurprisingly it's about a girl called Christina that lives in a house. Only joking, it starts with a young cookie sales-girl getting shaken to death by an unseen assailant outside the abode. How he actually broke her neck by wiggling her hips was somewhat questionable, it makes you wonder how people survived ‘twisting' in the early sixties, doesn't it? He wraps the corpse up in a rug and the shot fades. We then get to meet the teen of the title (Allison Lange) and her younger brother Bobby (Lorne Stewart). They live in the house with their creepy father (John Savage) and a weirdo handy man, Howie (Brad Rowe). Any chance of originality is abolished when we learn that she is not yet ready to go all the way with her over-jealous boyfriend, Eddie (Brendan Fehr). Christina is very uneasy in her home because she keeps hearing strange sounds and objects keep mysteriously moving about. It doesn't help that her father seems a little too touchy-feely, which is perhaps something that the local childcare should have taken a good look at! Their mother doesn't live with the bunch, because she's locked up in a loony bin. (I knew that an asylum would pop up in there somewhere.) Maybe the reason she's mad is because she was extremely un-loved by her family? Throughout the runtime her daughter only visits her once and even then, she runs off and leaves without so much as a kiss and cuddle! Before long the obvious happens, people start getting offed by a manaic in predictable and watered down ways. But who's the killer? The only thing that's worse than an overlong movie - is a boring overlong movie, which just about sums up Christina's House. It's more like a poorly acted teen drama than a horror flick, with the scares amounting to a sandwich mysteriously appearing in the kitchen or the whereabouts of Chris' journal. Truly terrifying! Brad Pitt, sorry, Brad Rowe was about the best performer on offer, but I really don't think that Mr. Anniston himself has got to watch his back just yet, despite the confident praise that Rowe has been awarded on the back of the box. (You should've seen what they said about Lange!) I really couldn't for the life of me work out why this was certificated as an eighteen. You're likely to find more gore in an episode of Colombo than anywhere in this bone-dry slasher. All the murders are committed off screen, just accompanied by a ‘crack' and there's not a lot of nudity either, I think that Lange flashed her breasts once or twice, but there's no actual fornication. Everyone's played to look mentally deranged, in an attempt to make the most of the mystery. But it's constructed so poorly that you'll guess who's the psycho half way through anyway. Gavin Wilding – who was also behind The Wisher - has no idea how to build pace and most of the runtime moves painfully s.l.o.w.l.y. So much so, that I had a job to watch it to the end without falling into a catatonic state of depression. To be fair, the conclusion had an interesting twist, but again, it was so sloppily handled that I bet Stuart Allison was as distressed as we were when he saw what the director had made with his screenplay! The rest of the plot made little sense too, like how the hell did the killer manage to turn Christina's house into a prison with unbreakable windows and unlockable doors, without any of the family noticing? Where did he get the money to do such a thing? And the Sheriff was so deplorably inept that he ignores plenty of blatant signs that something's not quite right inside the property that he's meant to be watching. He even questions a hammer that's thrown through a window so that it lands directly in front of him! The characters are all under developed and we never even find out the reason why the mother was in a madhouse in the first place. The killer's motivation was also left up to our imagination. At the end we learn that he was insane (obviously), but we're left to work out our own ideas for the conclusion. Christina's House is a movie without one redeeming feature. It's predictable, lame and sloppy rubbish. It's not even really much of a horror flick. In fact, I'm not really sure what it can be classed as. It isn't interesting enough to be a drama and there are not enough murders to make it a worthwhile stalker. All you have to know is that it's bad and doesn't deserve any of your time. It is Perhaps the most diluted slasher to be released in the past twenty years. This house should be boarded up and abandoned...