R | 15 February 2007 (USA)
Chill Trailers

In this classic retro horror thriller, Sam, an aspiring writer, takes a job as a clerk in an L.A. inner city grocery market owned by the sinister Dr. Munoz, a former scientist who claims to have a rare skin condition.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Poe-17 The works of Howard Phillip Lovecraft continue to thwart film makers. His tales, written in the early 1900's are, invariably, updated to present day and forced to mix with today's fads, trends and "movie absorbing mind set". For the most part, they don't work, like this shot at the trophy. Anything by good Ol' H.P. should be a period piece like Jackson's "King Kong"...unless you are extremely brilliant. The makers of "Chill", while sincere, failed to create the magic to move "Cool Air" (which this movie is based upon) from short-story written in 1926 to a contemporary story. No fault, no foul ... a near impossible thing to do. Lovecraft excruciatingly cultivated sinister and dark atmosphere with climactic punctuations of visual action, almost the opposite of current films that are visually heavy to create the deep and dark unease (something they seldom do because ... perhaps ... they are running a formula in reverse?) ... Dan O'Bannon nearly nailed it with "The Resurrected" from Lovecraft's "The Case of Charles Dexter Ward". Unfortunately, this attempt to bring "Cool Air" to the screen is a lousy shot at a Lovecraft adaptation and can't stand on its own as a horror film. Kudos for the effort but ... way big miss.
stormofwar I rented this out of boredom on a Sunday night, and I regret it. I love bad movies. I feel an affection for them akin to what one feels for a special education kid. They try, and fail a lot, but you appreciate the merits of the attempt and recognize it for what it is.That being said, there is really one way to surmise this film is awful. I have survived viewing of BloodRayne and the un-MST3K'ed Manos: The Hands of Fate. I and my wife were riffing this ten minutes into the film.The only redeeming feature in this is the story, which was unique compared the usual fare (Hollywood could take a lesson here in looking for source material). However, everything else just fell flat...face first on to the concrete.The acting was bad, even for a B- film. The dialog was painful, the acting uninspired. I've seen more convincing effects in homemade animated films, and the editing looks like it was done by a six year old kid riddled with ADD.Honestly, only the most hardcore of Lovecraft fans will appreciate this. I respect his work, but I think he was rolling over in his grave when they wrapped on this pickle.
Tilcia I have to say as a huge horror buff - this was absolute gutter trash. I kept asking myself where is the gore, the blood, the fear/horror factor.The main music reminded me of rave techno music and I felt I needed to be in a club with glowing objects in my mouth.I will say SOME of the actors were good - like the guy off Melrose Place - Thomas Calabro and the gal from Hellraiser - Ashley Laurence. But overall, I would not go out of my way to recommend to someone to see this, unless they were looking for something silly and cheesy to watch. OR they really didn't like horror because they scared easily, this would be a recommendation to see - as there is nothing scary, nothing gory or horrific about it.
Tyofcore I'm not a movie expert but I know when there's something to watch, and something to just pass by, and this movie here, after reading the comments peaked my interest, but once I got the movie playing it was a totally different thought. 5 minutes in, I had already made up my mind whether or not to continue watching this butcher of a movie, It was extremely late here where I live so I decided to give it a shot, but like I said above I could of let this one pass by, about 40 minutes into it, I couldn't watch anymore, sad display of effects, writing, and poor acting couldn't of made this any worse to watch, It was quite painful actually, I cant be disappointed to much considering I spent money to watch this, but I am disappointed that someone would say that this movie was worth watching. On my list of movies that I have watched this one ranks a 1 time watch, and no recommendation to any of my friends. This was 40 minutes I will never get back, so take it from me, when facing the chance to watch something else vs. this movie, then take something else.