Cherry Crush
Cherry Crush
R | 16 February 2007 (USA)
Cherry Crush Trailers

A high school photographer breaks his own rules and falls in love with his teenage model.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
chrichtonsworld "Cherry Crush" is a movie that heavily depends on it's cast! The few actors that are in this movie do a decent job! Jonathan Tucker is convincing as a teen who gets in trouble after having an affair with Nikki Reed! Throughout the movie we sympathize with him and really care for him! This is one of the main reasons why this movie stays interesting! The other one is Nikki reed as Shay Bettencourt! One beautiful and very dangerous young woman! That's why she is perfect as the femme fatale! The plot is simple and not really exciting! There aren't many twists and turns! And the once that are there are far too predictable and a bit convenient! As a whole "Cherry Crush" is pretty average and doesn't offer anything new! I wouldn't recommend this movie!
coreguy Sex, money, desire, crime…all these “necessary” elements combine using an old plot: story of a freaky photographer and a sexy girl. He takes her as his model and sex companion while she takes him as her tool for getting money.The process is also plain and stereotype: They get acquainted. The girl tells a lie. The man trusts her and don’t know he is already trapped. Then the climax: They mistakenly kill someone,who is just the girl wanna murder in her plan. Her scheme makes the man really involve in the affair because of the photos he takes on the spot of case, and the tracks he leaves. Under the investigation, his character of indecisive and maybe some love for that girl keep him from telling all clues out. So, he bogs deeper and deeper…at last, his life is ruined. um.hum,nothing particular, isn’t it? Many crime flicks about “Photograph” act like this.Bad side is over, now turn to the good side. Firstly, The leading cast is a highlight. Nikki Reed and Julie Gonzalo especially. Shay Bettencourt’s wildness and sexiness, and Desiree Thomas’s lawyer-like appearance are impressive. Worthy to mention, Some dialogs are interesting, like the discussion between Wade Chandling and Jordan Wells about the lawyer.Secondly, I probably realize that the director may wanna show something under the plain story: a topic about scripted life designed by the family and an own life made by oneself. At the end of the flick, the main role loses his scripted life and have to escape but maybe it’s actually a good ending for him since he is not suitable for a lawyer career? Deep thought may survives this movie.
rochviewer This movie is beautiful to look at. Rochester has been transformed into a real live movie venue but that's where the professionalism ends. The story line and characters are under developed and poorly written. Despite the voice over you never learn what dastardly deed the lead character did to turn him into a bad boy and get expelled from private school. The photos he shoots of his love interest are slick, professional and commercially beautiful but don't reveal anything more than a glam shot from a slick magazine does. I kept wanting to see some gritty, 18 year old's idea of honesty, something cutting-edge, and I never got it. I never believe that his family is pressuring him into a life he doesn't want and the women around him look an awful lot like they're from Greece, NY not some fantasy Film Noir landscape. The entire film noir aspect of the film is only defined by the great music track. The script and visuals are in constant conflict with the premise of the murder mystery. The writing never gives the viewer enough details to provide a great ahh-ha moment at the films end. The amused audience seemed more interested in catching their own faces and spotting Java Joe's product placement than on the quality of the story. The film looks great but just doesn't deliver.
gnk3126 We saw the movie at the premier weekend showing in Rochester, N.Y. Theatre was sold out the night we went. Audience was captivated and slow exiting after credits. Film was very entertaining with a couple surprising twists that we were still talking about the next day. Very thought provoking.Michael OKeefe and Julie Gonzalo had memorable performances. Jonathan Tucker gave a strong performance in his role. Nicki Reed transitions skillfully into the sexy and seductive Shay Bettencourt.Heard it was being held over and we are considering taking it in again. Very nice job from Post Central on their first at bat!