Chernobyl 20
Chernobyl 20
NR | 23 April 2006 (USA)
Chernobyl 20 Trailers

"Chernobyl 20", is a 28-minute documentary chronicle of Yelena Zmushko's journey in search for truth about the Chernobyl accident and its consequences. It serves as a discovery of hidden pain that has been haunting her and was finally relieved when she removed herself from the area contaminated by radiation. Yelena Zmushko was inspired to make a documentary "Chernobyl 20" which had given her hope to pursue advocacy for truth about the real threat of radioactive exposure and, possibly, inspire other people to search for their own personal truth. "Chernobyl 20" proffers a brave, activist agenda through a deeply personal view.

Inclubabu Plot so thin, it passes unnoticed.
Ameriatch One of the best films i have seen
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.