| 03 July 2015 (USA)
Checkmate Trailers

Six people are thrown together during an elaborate bank heist where any move can alter the outcome. Is it coincidence, or are they merely pawns in a much bigger game.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
justinm-160-831648 I say apparently, because the quote was so grossly wrong, I couldnt trait a studio that did that to produce a good movie. So I stopped. Watching and having checked this site, I was spot on. an idiot would have been able to spot that it was wrong, yet the studio put it through and it was supposed to define the movie. The quote," there can not be good without evil. Everything in existence must co-exist in a sort of balance or symmetry. St Augustine"sort of,....SORT OF, what 430 AD philosophical writers did they think uses the words sort off. If you going to be making up crap, at least do a good job and don't ask you 12 year old to make up a quote for you. St Augustine actually said that Good can exist without evil, and that evil can not exist without good. As evil us a defect in good and that defect and that defect only is evil. Completely different from the drivel they expounded on
Yaaro Dinamalar **** The movie is plain awful **** It was on Netflix, saw Danny Glover and expected something. What an unbearable movie. Normally I read the reviews and STOP. I never like to post any commentary. This time, the movie was so horrible, I broke my promise to myself, created an Yahoo! ID, confirmed it and created the IMDb id, confirmed it and then typed it. I am so determined to post this so that no one goes through the horror of watching this movie. Waterboarding may not be this horrible. And what is with the F* bombs, is it supposed to make them look 'bad'. Their acting (or lack of that) ensures that they are bad. What a horrible piece of movie. They could have sent the money on this to some charity organization. Is this a piece done for some laundering ?
Cryptkeeper Unfortunately no amount of f-words can save this immature and epicly sad excuse of a movie. We all have to pay the rent, I get that. Sometimes it just hurts to watch it happen. Checkmate tries to be so bad-ass it falls flat on its face from the very first frame. Disconnected plot, no character development, crazy amount of cuss words, words of wisdom outtro etc. The turkeylist goes on. How did Glover and Aston even end up in this mess? I would seriously think a seventh grader could put together a more interesting script. This is by far the worst film I've seen the last 10 years. We're not talking funny bad here either. Low budget just got a new low - and I'm not even gonna comment on the girl with the samurai sword.
Had Enough This rubbish is so bad that I was not going to write a review, as I did not think I would be able to put how bad it is into words.However, I felt that it was important to warm my fellow humans, and so decided to try.If I said that a bunch of schoolchildren could do better, I would be insulting all schoolchildren everywhere.If you compared this rubbish to the first day of an acting school course, you would expect that the lecturer would have gone out the back and committed suicide half way through, just to avoid the second half. 80% of the dialogue consists of the word f#ck....and all it's derivatives.Not only is there no story, but what there is is so confusing as to be a health hazard. Do not even look for acting. It simply is non existent. Please, do not be duped by the inclusion of Danny Glover and Vinnie Jones. At this point, moviegoers must accept that if either one or both of them are in a movie that it is a very good reason to avoid it at all costs. They are not even trying to hide the fact anymore that they are simply selling their names to absolute rubbish, and are quite happy to walk away with a fat cheque, and could not give a damn about their fans. It is truly not be tempted to spend hard earned cash on this tripe, just so these idiots can laugh all the way to the bank. You will never forgive yourself for wasting precious time and money on the worst trash ever to hit the screen.