Chasing Destiny
Chasing Destiny
PG-13 | 14 February 2001 (USA)
Chasing Destiny Trailers

A repossession agent falls in love with a woman whose father is high on his list of priority accounts.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Miki The plot is great. I loved Laureen Graham - she's always fun to watch. But Casper Van Dien...well, I don't think so. For me he was the biggest flaw of the movie, as well as his character. A guy, macho type, writes poetry (bad one) and is much too feminine. Not believable. His character made the whole story superficial. Another thing that bothered me was Jessy spending the last night of her father's life with another guy, thinking about her father but that was it. She hasn't seen him in 3 years, she came to L.A. to be with him, yet she spends her time looking for the cat, cooking for the date,... That would make sense if she and her father were fighting, but they're not. She loves him, he loves her and yet he spends his last night with his best friend and she with a lover. So much left unsaid and no one bothers to change that. Not believable again. I think it's a waste of a great plot and cast (with exception of Van Dien) on a below average movie.
Jodie (savagecharmed) I really liked this movie, it has great comedy, but a sweet love/hate relationship. I thought it was a movie that contained all emotions from love to hate, and everything in between. Casper did a great job as always. I was lead to the movie for the cast, but enjoyed it enough to try to find a copy for sale here in Australia. I say if you wish to watch this movie, please bring your tissues along
ABernst100 This movie will make anyone who sees it not only get belly laughs...but cry as well. Van Dien is in top form as the charming phone solicitor who unknowingly falls in love with the daughter of a dying rock star whose vintage Mustang he is attempting to confiscate for non-payment. Lauren Grahame (of TV's "Gilmore Girls") exchanges hilarious one-liners with the offscreen Van Dien ("Moritz...rhymes with ----!). Funniest scenes ever...from the look on Van Dien's when confronted with his boss pointing a pistol at his head to when he walks, rather stiffly, out to perform his duty; Van Dien searching through his mailbox with thick padded gloves for snakes; Van Dien joining Grahame in a quickly soaking Mustang during a rainstorm. Most touching scene...Van Dien (in a Sgt. Pepper jacket and bath towel) revealing to the dying father who he is and requesting to court his daughter. All in all, a touching and hilarious film.
malven97 For wholesome entertainment, Chasing Destiny is simply the best. A must-see for the hopeless romantics. Great acting from all cast members. Lauren Graham is a revelation. Her sensitive portrayal of Jessy James is awesome. Her subtle acting is so effective as to make me feel the depth of her pain and loneliness and her confusion and reluctance to fall in love. This is a feel-good honest-to-goodness movie that I will never tire watching over and over again. Lauren Graham's beauty -- lovely face -- is the best thing that ever happened to the silver screen.