Chase Step By Step
Chase Step By Step
| 06 February 1974 (USA)
Chase Step By Step Trailers

Two circus performers are tasked with escorting relief in the form of gold bullion to a region hit by drought. On the way they are beset by countless bandits.

Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Comwayon A Disappointing Continuation
Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Leofwine_draca This nondescript Taiwanese kung fu flick has a simple premise, one that looks to have been inspired by the classic LONE WOLF & CUB series by the Japanese. Essentially, two people must transport gold across the country, while a hundred and one assorted traitors, bandits, thugs, henchmen, criminal masterminds, assassins, and prostitutes try to steal it off them. What follows is a simple plot, nothing more than a series of fight scenes strung together over a threadbare premise. If the fights were decent, this wouldn't matter; unfortunately, they ain't. Not much of this film is of a high quality. The direction is uninspired, the script silly, and the martial arts undistinguished (one of these films where limbs are stiff and made out of wood and lots of people jump around).What's most galling is that this could have been a great film – precisely because of the set-up. The fact that our two heroes are acrobats invites some excellent moments, such as when the hero jumps off the roof of a building to land on an enemy's chest, or the insane jumps that they frequently make. Yet these gravity-defying scenes occupy only a few minutes of the proceedings and are mainly limited to the (great) opening sequence. The appearance of a female ass-kicker – Shu Lin Chang, who rivals SISTER STREET FIGHTER – also bodes well and, indeed, she's the most appealing aspect of the whole movie. The hero is wooden, though, and would have been better off in an ensemble piece – I can see him as an archer or ninja or something. The overacting of the villains is another plus, with their facial expressions adding much amusement to the flick. As a whole, though, CHASE STEP BY STEP is deservedly obscure, with absolutely nothing to distinguish it from the hundreds of other low-budget kung fu flicks churned out during the decade.
Red-Barracuda Pair of male and female acrobats are tasked with escorting a shipment of gold across country to an impoverished town during a deadly famine. Along the way they are attacked by a variety of villains.This Taiwanese martial arts film is full to the brim with fighting. It's almost relentless in actual fact. But you can't criticise a film for trying to entertain. Aside from the typical combat and amazing leaping about, there is are unusual scenes involving a man fighting off a horde of opponents while wearing very high stilts and on another occasion he has to push his barrow of gold over a tight-rope. It's these more distinctive moments that stand out mostly in this one, otherwise it's mainly a fight-fest. The two main actors seemed pretty adept to me and this has to be considered an entertaining enough old school martial arts flick.
david-crean-167-510993 This is an extremely enjoyable example of the genre, featuring good action and surprisingly above-average voices and dubbing. For once, the anglicized voices don't seem totally haphazard and incongruous, and the dubbing is by and large tolerable. There are a few too many amazing leaps for me, but the actual fighting is accomplished with minimal wirework and reasonable fluidity (look out for the scene where the hero fights on stilts!) Kuan-Hung Wang (male lead) is impressive, his female counterpart slightly less so, and the villains not at all. There's some kind of relationship between the male and female leads, although it's not entirely clear whether it's brother/sister or more romantic in nature. The two main characters are supposed to be circus performers; it's never explained how the became so adept at martial arts, but I suspect this is some kind of cultural phenomenon that doesn't quite translate to the west.
mstomaso Two circus performers and martial artists are sent to deliver a trunk full of gold to a town experiencing famine and a siege of marauders. The marauders, of course, are waiting for them around every corner and they are besieged at each step. As much time is taken up with very entertaining and fast paced fight scenes as plot exposition. The writer also added elements of romantic tension and some vaguely historical political references to lend the film a little more interest and complexity than the genre norm. The romantic element is never tedious and gives the characters more depth than those of more typical martial arts action films.The paragraph above describes about half the plot. To avoid a spoiler I can not say anything about the remainder of the film.All considered, Bu Bu Zhui Zong (or Chase Step by Step) is a fairly enjoyable action film with an attractive and reasonably talented cast. The story moves quickly in order to avoid the boredom its core simplicity would have normally engendered, but remains easy to follow. The English language version is better dubbed than average and the dialog is above generally genre standards while the cinematography is pretty average.Recommended for martial arts fans