Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure
Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure
G | 18 March 2003 (USA)
Charlotte's Web 2: Wilbur's Great Adventure Trailers

Wilbur the pig knows how important friendship is - he learned that from a spider named Charlotte. So when Wilbur meets Cardigan, a lonely lamb, Wilbur immediately makes him his friend.

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
davekeanu Well the first Charlotte's web was a beautiful film it was wonderful masterpiece and rather underrated 70s classic. I remember enjoying it and loving the jokes and the hidden message in that film. When I heard about their was sequel to the first film. I was looking forward to it, I rented it out on DVD at the video store and I thought it was going to be as good as the first. But it sucked it was so boring. And here are the reasons for it what happened to characters like Geoffrey the baby goose and the old sheep and Fern's brother. And what happened to Wilbur every one's favorite pig in the first one he was brave and kind but in this one he is complete loser and scared of every thing the fox as the villain was only likable character in this film. This movie has got nothing to do with the first film what so ever but when it does, it's are total slap stick in the face. This movie is such a let down to the original film and this one is so forgettable the only good thing about this film was the soundtrack 2/10
TheLittleSongbird Charlotte's Web while not a perfect animated movie was a charming and sweet one with likable characters and lovely animation. Now I'll give some credit, I do not consider this sequel the worst animated sequel ever, that's The Secret of NIMH 2, but along with the FernGully and Jungle Book sequels it is one of the most disappointing ones, and it was somewhat unnecessary too. Apart from some pretty backgrounds, a good voice cast and the fact I liked the three girl spiders(Charlotte was much more endearing though), what made Charlotte's Web so charming is sorely lacking here.Why do I say that? Well the music really isn't great. The music wasn't the biggest strength admittedly in Charlotte's Web, but at least it was memorable and mostly fitted with the story. The music here doesn't, and came across as very forgettable. That's not all, apart from the three spiders, the characters are not the same. Wilber is underused and no longer brave or adorable in fact he is a wimp here, Fern is not as warm or as loving, Templeton is now annoying with asides that make you groan rather than laugh and the fox villain is weak in pretty much everything. The most irritating character though was Cardigan. I did find Cardigan adorable once upon a time, but not anymore, quite the opposite actually, with an annoying voice and some ugly character animation.While the backgrounds are really pretty and colourful, the character designs I feel aren't so great, especially on the farmyard animals and the fox. The biggest failures however are in the script and the story. The story is really charmless and predictable, and feels way too rushed. The ending especially was really out of the blue and had a that's it? feel to it. The script was in general terrible, what was meant to be funny came across as cringeworthy and what was meant to be poignant or heart warming came across as sappy and cloying. I've already spoken about Templeton, the less said about him and his asides and sarcasm the better, but that's not the whole story. Nothing anybody said made me care about what was going on pretty much, and anything that tried to be quirky made me want to hit the wall with my head. Finally, the film is too short and rushed, consequently I felt next to nothing for anything that made Charlotte's Web work so well, no characters to care about, no asides or jokes to laugh or smile at, no music to hum along to and after and no story that feels special.Overall, a big disappointment. If you want charm, fun or likability, skip this and watch Charlotte's Web. 3/10 Bethany Cox
disdressed12 most kids will probably enjoy this movie,but maybe not as much as the original' has a pretty negative atmosphere is more colourful and action oriented then the first one,as well.the pace is faster and the movie is louder,in general.the first movie is useful for helping children in their spelling and vocabulary.this one really isn't any help in that area.there is a little bit of a lesson on friendship and working together as a team,but not as much as the first one.however,this movie does not deal with any intense issues,such as death,like the first one did.again,there is nothing offensive here,and the movie is appropriate for any age group.overall,though i think this movie is inferior in most respects to the original movie.i'd give Charlotte's Web 2:Wilbur's Great Adventure a 4/10
burt-25 Sadly I have to watch this movie about 6 times a day, everyday. I think I know the script inside out now. The good points about this sequel is the 3 songs, they are quite good but it is best to listen to them without watching the movie as the acting? and out of sync suck. The voices are good, my favourites are Bessie and Nellie. The backgrounds are amazing, excellent artwork.The bad points are that this movie sucks. It doesnt follow on from the original. It looks hurried and not planned. The script sucks, the jokes poor, and it has the most ugliest lamb I have ever seen as a character in a cartoon. The voice of the lamb makes you feel like smashing up your TV and then burn your house down - its damn grating and annoying.At first I hated the film, now I just loathe it. I still enjoy listening to Bessie and Nellie as the voices are great, shame they are reading a crap script.I agree with the other person that posted here, its not worth watching. The story sucks, the Wilbur character has been turned into a wimp you want to kick up the ass, the lamb is ugly and provokes anger, the jokes are from a christmas cracker, the script is from a TV commercial.