Charlie Countryman
Charlie Countryman
R | 15 November 2013 (USA)
Charlie Countryman Trailers

While traveling abroad, a guy falls for a Romanian beauty whose unreachable heart has its origins in her violent, charismatic ex.

Micitype Pretty Good
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
benkacemboushra I don't know what others think and I don't wanna understand how or why this movie is so underrated and not very known.This is absolutely the kind of movies that won't let you the same person you were before watching it.I can't precise what this movie did to me but it surely left something.Something new.Something astonishing and violently beautiful . It's not about a classical love story nor a selection of traditional action scenes.This is an artistic emotional masterpiece.You will feel its emotional roller-coaster ,you will feel a strange but a magical wave of life.I don't wanna spoil the end for you but you'll adore it.
broganbethgood I feel the film is a well timed artistic pop film, which unfortunately seems misunderstood by reviewers and film critics.Visually, the cinematography throughout is tastefully reflective of the modern trend towards 'neo-nostalgia'. Without delving into too much detail - It depicts an image of modern Europe through the eyes of someone perhaps raised on the stereotypical gritty organised crime and espionage thrillers coming out of Eastern Europe, whilst simultaneously remaining narratively (and at the very least aesthetically), realistic to a romanticised modern day Romania. Between the lingering shots of Shia Labeouf's physique & his NIKE trainers the film also donates a graceful amount of screen-time to the architecture and cultural ambiance of the city.It boldly, and occasionally voyeuristically, fuses the whimsical nature of the rom-com with hints of perversely disturbing cinematic ultraviolence. Indeed this film is a "wildly eccentric love story/thriller" but it is arguably VERY clear that it is also a comedy. Perhaps even further, it could be debated as a modern farce - wherein the player's anticipated demise only accentuates the life-affirming nature of the film. The caricatured presentation of the characters (the soul-searching American, the passionately independent European woman, the aggressively determined European man and the happy-go-lucky British boys) are a tongue in cheek reflection of modern cinema and its stereotypes. Personally I found the characters a refreshing in their satirical mockery of widely held prejudices yet I felt the narrative cocoons them in a wholly plausible moment in time. Though I could waste further time detailing the stylistically emotional elements of contemplative reflection pertaining to Charlie's numerous 'interactions' with the dead - I suppose I will simply agree with this statement from the GUARDIAN:"This is a weird and self-indulgent affair that is easy to mock but that, just occasionally, captures the romantic feel of the equally pretentious but magical Leos Carax films of the late 1980s."and add only that - yes, this film may not be wholly original, but if you're a romantic with a heart which beats at its maximum for love - then you damned better waste 1hr 52m on this this film.Thanks!
theLovelyRing It's a comedy with a clear theme which is about love and romance, though the content is not very concrete, but if you can view it in a way which is kind of like surrealism, you'll find it totally worthwhile to watch. Actually, we are all like Charlie, when something bad happens, we try to escape from it, sometimes we buy drinks to numb our brains, sometimes we run away from the life that we are familiar with, we travel abroad, far, far away to experience a different world and life-style. I think people do that mostly because when we travel abroad we can find that compare to the rest of the world, how small individuals,as we are, in the whole wild world are. And when we meet new people from different culture with different stories, we find that none of our problem and sorrow is alone in the world, we can somehow relate to other people. Anyway, it's a good film made in a artistic style, abstract in content but brilliantly delivered its message about the theme, lost and love. Plus, with LaBeouf and Mikkelsen in the film, why not?
monstermayhem32 I would have to say what makes the film stand out for me is the films use of music and imagery which make it stand out for me. Shia labeouf plays the films title character Charlie countryman whose mother has died and her ghost encourages her son to find himself and love in budacrest. While on the plane, Charlie encounters a man named victor who asks him to deliver a gift for his daughter. Sadly he dies and ends up meeting Gabi who he falls in love with almost like love at first sight. Little does he know that Gabi ex husband nick is a dangerous sociopath. However despite this obstacle Charlie and Gabi are determined to be together regardless of her circumstances,