Charlie And A Half
Charlie And A Half
| 06 June 1974 (USA)
Charlie And A Half Trailers

Charlie gets by through fleecing suckers with a three-card Monte. He passes himself off as a rich businessman. Miko is a street kid who spends his time with Charlie instead of going to school. The plot follows Charlie's attempt to conquer the heart of Gila, a rich girl whose parents try to matchmake her to an American millionaire somewhat against her will.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
SparkMore n my opinion it was a great movie with some interesting elements, even though having some plot holes and the ending probably was just too messy and crammed together, but still fun to watch and not your casual movie that is similar to all other ones.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Ayal Oren The only reason I ever saw the film is Haya Katsir, she's the only reason I tried to see it again. No she's not a great actress, but she's one of the greatest looking girls I've ever seen especially when I first saw it in my early teens. By now the collection of cliché in the film that made me uncomfortable to begin with makes me simply cringe. Some fairly good Israely actors give poor to mediocre performance in this film because their characters are so badly written. Yes it was the genre, but most of the films of that genre suffer from the same problem. "Burekas" films that were made in Israel at the 70s are a version of "blacksploitation" movies with lower production values. They don't present the reality of the under privileged, they simply want to cash in on their frustration. Have a look if you want, it might have some anthropological value, but don't say I didn't warn you.
Marian Paroo Charlie Ve'hetzi is sort of a cult film in Israel, for its portrayal of working class Israeli Jews from Arab countries. Working class isn't the exact term, because the main character, Charlie, lets his mother support him while he keeps the money he makes by cheating suckers with a three card scam. Hetzi is a street kid who would rather spend the day with Charlie than go to school (his put upon sister who is raising him isn't having a lot of success). Charlie has managed to get himself a very rich, fantasy type rich, blonde girlfriend of European roots, and he's portrayed as a great guy, while all the European Jews are vicious exploiters.It's a very odd film because it sends messages in all directions. Women come off very badly -- Hetzi's sister is harassed by her employer (I think it's a factory) but this is shown as a matter of fact, not as anything particularly wrong. Charlie's girlfriend is a real valley girl type, his mother serves him with a, "well, he's my boy" kind of attitude.The film is widely discussed in film and ethnic studies here.
sigurros5 For most film critics this film was considered bad, but for viewers this film is really great. i was 5 years old when i first saw this movie, and i fell in love with it. it has everything, comedy, drama, action. it's one of the best israeli films ever, no doubt about it. if u can find this film, i recommend it highly. you'll love it(if you're not a film critic..)