| 28 June 2002 (USA)
Champion Trailers

This biopic tells the true story of Korean boxer Kim Deuk-gu. Born into poverty, Kim used boxing to free himself from his bleak surroundings, eventually becoming the world's top lightweight. Tragically, Kim's life was cut short when he died from a blood clot in his brain during a championship fight with Ray Boom Boom Mancini.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Wyatt There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
dsntxst The 1982 lightweight championship bout between Ray Mancini and Kim Deuk-gu is famous for the immense impact it had not only on those directly involved in it but also on the public, the media and the sport of boxing itself. Much was written and discussed in its aftermath with understandably a lot of focus on Mancini. 'Champion' is the story of the man on the other side of the ring - the then relatively unknown Korean fighter Kim Deuk-gu.'Champion' uses the 1982 bout to bookend the story of Kim, in between documenting his poverty-stricken beginnings, his personal triumphs and tragedies, and his eventual rise from national champion to world title contender. Like most dramas of this ilk, the actual sport is used more as a metaphor to tell a story of human triumph and will in the face of adversity.Pretty much everything in 'Champion' hits the nail on the head with regards to telling Kim's story: the performances, the cinematography, the fight scenes, even the kitschy 1970s/80s wardrobe all come together with good effect. Kim's life story was already as much inspiring as it was tragic, and thankfully 'Champion' doesn't add unnecessary "ornamentation" to tell it.A very minor quibble for me was the pacing which seemed to jump around a bit too much. I do appreciate that with a docudrama such as this there are going to be concessions made and again it was only a minor hang-up. Also, as a stand-alone film the ending leaves a bit to be desired. However, if you take 'Champion' as one piece in the overall story of the Mancini-Kim bout, it feels much more effective. I would highly recommend following this up with the excellent documentary 'The Good Son' which takes a retrospective of the event 30 years later.Overall, an involving human drama and a nice companion piece to the story of the bout that forever changed the face of boxing.
sunsing I was watching the boxing match that this film depicts in 1982, when I saw Kim take the blows that would lead to his death on live TV. I believe that Howard Kossel may have been commenting on the fight at the time, and I understood from his statements, that a tragedy had just occurred. I knew in my heart that I had just seen a man killed in the ring... he was unknown to me at the time, all I knew was that he was South Korean... I have always wondered about Kim, and who he was.I was very pleased to see that someone had finally told Kim's story, and I was truly touched by this film, and felt that I had gotten to know, in some way, something about the man that I had watched die performing a sport that I still enjoy to this day. Bravo!!! I can finally put a face to the name.
glamdolly This film is about Deuk-Gu Kim, the Korean boxer. I highly recommend watching it. You get a good idea of what Korean boxers had (have?) to go through, Kim's life and what happened in the ring on that fateful day. If you watch the movie, you can't help but like the guy. The movie pulls on your heart strings and makes you realize how precious life really is, and that death affects more than just the person who died. It affects everyone around you.I can tell you that I'm definitely going to purchase this DVD. If you watch it, I hope it touches you as much as it has me. The guy before me said that it was a class B movie, and it's true.. But that doesn't take away the fact that it's a very good movie. - Not just for guys, either. It's something both sexes can enjoy. For the ladies, there's a lot of eye candy in the film. You'd be surprised at how handsome and muscular a lot of the Korean actors are. For men, you get to see Kim kick the crap out of people. It works! **(LOL!) You also get to see him struggle through life's ups and downs. You get to see where he came from & what he went through to get where he did. It makes you respect the guy that much more.Be advised that the movie is in Korean. There are some English parts, however, you will be reading subtitles if you watch this (unless you speak Korean!) :) Enjoy the movie ladies & gents! It's worth the money to at least rent! I'm happy someone made this film about Kim Deuk-Gu's life. I'm sure you will be, too.
wrlang Champion is about the life and death of Korean boxer Deuk-Gu Kim in the boxing ring. The film went into great detail about Kim's life and times during the 1980s and outlined how Kim came to be a great boxer. Kim's family was also depicted in this film. Boom Boom Mancini was the boxer that injured Kim in such a way as to cause his death. If you're looking for a biography about Kim, then this film is for you. You will know everything you ever wanted to know about Kim. The film was well made as a class B+ with many good attributes. It is subtitled in most places so you do have to read the dialog. Get the DVD if you have some time to kill.
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