| 12 March 2005 (USA)
Champion Trailers

Danny Trejo, you know the man. He has fierce tattoos, and frequently plays a thug in your favorite movies. Behind the ink and the wicked characters he plays on screen lies the story of a troubled childhood which included drug addiction, armed robbery and extensive prison time. Champion offers an intimate, one of a kind view into the life of Danny Trejo before he turned himself around and after.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
MartinHafer I noticed that one reviewer really, really, really hated this film. While some of their concerns about the quality of the production were fair, how could the film earn such a low score when Danny Trejo's life story is so exciting and engaging?! Even if it had been shot using an iPhone, it couldn't help but be worth your time.Danny Trejo is probably the busiest guy in Hollywood. In 2014, he appeared in about 20 different films--now that is clearly busy! The film is Danny and a few friends and family discussing his life. As a teen, he was a crazy punk with an apparent death wish. Then, after spending more than a decade in prison, he made a huge change--kicking drugs and alcohol, finding God and becoming a role model...not to mention a movie star! It's a really amazing story about redemption and I liked the simplicity of the story as it was told. Well worth seeing.
claramendez111 All I can say is that I wanted to enjoy this documentary, but found it really does the actor a disservice. Very poor directing. Seemed at times an exercise in showing all the different things an editing program can do, very cool, if you are nine years old, but really painful to watch when not needed. Now I ran out of things to say because there is not much left to say, but in the hands of a more skilled filmmaker, this could have been interesting, instead it just seemed very amateur. But if you are a fan you may like it, I was disappointed that he did not have better talent to cover his story. Nice try but a big fat pass here.
MisterWhiplash Early on in Chamion, a documentary on the hard-knock life and eventual fruitful career as character actor Danny Trejo (with now over 100 films to his name), the writer/interviewer Cecily Gambrell is asked by Trejo how this is going to go, and she responds that it should just be "like on Oprah." At that moment I sort of cringed, and it was something that would permeate throughout the rest of the film. It goes without saying that the turbulent and sort of inspiring story of Trejo's life from urban squalor to cult movie star status is impressive on its own, and to hear Trejo talk about it in any form is interesting. But the director and interviewer/writer of the film almost go out of their way to make it filmed in an dissatisfying way, which is troubling. At times, with the fade-to-white transitions (which are used quite often), the title cards explaining this or that about Trejo's early years into prison-life, and the shoddy camera-work (frankly I think my near-blind mother could shoot better than this), make it a little unpleasant as a form of storytelling.Of course, I'm not expecting this to be an Errol Morris or Al Maysles film, but there just seems to be some lack of drive in how the director moves Trejo's story along, and the questions only probe so far enough so that Trejo goes on with his stories simply enough and without too much pretense (the stories involving Bunker are, in fact, some of the best parts, or at least least contrived, in the film). Which is fine, but there seems to be even more under the surface in Trejo's long and bumpy road from juvenile delinquent, habitual drug-user, thief, inmate, and eventual rehabilitated and strong-as-hell actor, than is really checked out on, and it's a little pathetic to see the same short clips from *Spy Kids* shown when his fellow colleagues like Buscemi and Robert Rodriguez talk about his work as a bad-ass in films like Con Air and Desperado (sure it's probably a rights issue, but still, it's such a lame clip to show, even if he is technically playing Machete).In short, I think that compared to this, a man like Trejo would probably have an awesome time on Oprah's show- maybe not jumping on the couch, but who knows? It almost seems like Rodriguez himself- a second cousin of Trejo- should've made this documentary, as opposed to Eckhart, who's never done a documentary, which shows. This all said, the criticism I had though is really only of the style of camera and editing and the questions given on screen; Trejo himself is consistently watchable and engaging, and its for him alone, if you're a fan (and who isn't after seeing the Machete trailer during Grindhouse), that it's worth checking out.
Just-11 I saw this as part of the Hollywood Film Festival. Unfamiliar with Danny Trejo's work I was totally captivated by the story of his life. From a troubled background with disinterested parents, Danny's life looked bleak. This is the story of Danny's descent into drugs, armed robbery, gangs, alcoholism, incarceration, despair and ultimate redemption as a drugs counsellor and tough-guy actor. As this was a special screening there was a Q&A with Danny and Director Joe Eckardt where they explained that this movie came from an interview with Danny on Latino actors that was supposed to be 3 minutes long, but Danny was so interesting they decided to tell his life story in a stand alone documentary. Danny's story isn't all tears - there's a lot of laughter too and some genuinely moving moments. The editing is erratic and the interviewer vapid but I really hope this gets distribution (and I hope the distributor invests in re-editing) as this story needs a wider audience.