PG-13 | 11 May 2007 (USA)
Chalk Trailers

Three rookie teachers and one unenthusiastic assistant principal face a rambunctious student body, a cantankerous set of colleagues, embarrassing rumors, equipment malfunctions and various absurdities at Harrison High, a typically provocative and volatile (although fictional) public school in Austin, Texas. The documentary-style comedy won several awards, including Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble Cast at the 2006 Los Angeles Film Festival.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
mfarr-2 Perhaps this movie is some sort of satire that I just don't get!? I don't see what is good about this movie. It was awful. I rented what I thought would be a "hilarious, laugh out loud comedy" and what I got was a boring, frustrating film that made me ponder how bad the US School System really is?I'm not a teacher, but from I remember from high school (which was only 5 years ago) the teachers had much more control and discipline over their students. We were not allowed to talk back to the teacher, have cell phones or skateboard on campus! The unprofessionalism of the teachers was unbelievable. None of my high school teachers would ever have behaved that way.
ambivalent2451-1 I think this movie is hilarious, although I question its mass market appeal. I've been teaching for five years and found the characters resembled many people I know; the students, too, were believable (I can't even count the number of times I have had to request that people stop making beats in class.) I particularly like Coach Webb's comment to the her now-administrator friend: Do you even remember how hard teaching is? This is a question every teacher I know longs to ask his or her administrative team.One thing that could have made the film funnier would be to play up the nonsensical bureaucratic bullsh** a teacher has to go through. I can think of several things off the top of my head that seem over the top but that I did, in fact, experience. Think "Office Space" meets education. However, I watched it with a non-teaching friend, and he was bored throughout....
tracey I saw this at the NYC premier, with a group of teachers from my school. We had the opportunity to meet the cast and Morgan Spurlock. I loved the trailer and hoped the movie was as good as it promised. I wasn't disappointed. We saw a lot of ourselves in the movie, which made it quite funny at some times and quite poignant at others. The fact that real teachers and students were in this movie made all that much more realistic. It's a movie that shows what it's like "in the trenches" so to speak. They got it right. The parts we found funny were funny because it happened to us. We were there. The struggles, the friendships, the frustration. The faculty meetings. It was real. It wasn't a feel good, good things always happen kind of movie, but it was great!!
djmoc A most enjoyable film especially for those, like my wife, who have been in education for many years. "Many a truth is said in jest" and this movie hits the nail on the head, in that it is very funny, endearing and true all at the same time. The world of teachers is a parallel universe as far removed from the students as the students are from the teachers...but sometimes the worlds meet and in the collision a new understanding is formed...sometimes. From a more philosophical point of view that is where I think the comedy had a point of view..."teachers are human too" with foibles and triumphs. How refreshing to see something about the teachers in contrast to all the relentless trash on TV and movies which place emphasis on the failure of education. YUK if only the world new how tough teaching really is. I only wish this movie could somehow go mainstream.