Chainsaw Sally
Chainsaw Sally
NR | 02 October 2004 (USA)
Chainsaw Sally Trailers

Sally is a young woman living two lives: a calmly librarian by day, and a brutal serial killer by night where she randomly targets any man or woman whom even slightly upsets her. Sally lives with her reclusive, transvestite younger brother Rudy whom assists her with the killings. Both Sally and Ruby were traumatized as children when both of them witnessed three lunatics murder their mother and father before they, with 'Daddy's' help, killed the three murderous psychos.

Cortechba Overrated
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
tcoll32 This is one of those films that make me like independent horror films over mainstream Hollywood ones. Chainsaw Sally has a very simple premise. A young girl and her brother witness the brutal murder of their parents but their father (played by the great Gunnar Hansen) hands out his own brand of justice prior to dying courtesy of his trusty chainsaw. So the very young older sister raises her younger brother away from the eyes of society. Jump forward to the present and we see the grown up Sally, by day a normal librarian but by night a one woman avenging angel. Her brother is a stay home dress up kind of guy (he is neither gay nor a cross dressing person but a guy who was raised by a young girl who didn't know any other way to dress him). He keeps the house pretty while Sally saves them from evil developers, cops, and the occasional moron who didn't shut up in the library. The movies boasts great cameos from Gunnar and HG Lewis who plays the hardware store owner Mr. Gordon(take a wild guess who is his best customer for power tools). I heard about this film at least 2 years prior to it's release and have to say that it lived up to the hype. Shot and acted very well, it is a model for other independent film makers to follow. Don't over due it. Stay true to your story and let the characters take you on a great journey. I can't wait to see what Forbidden Films comes up with next.
movieman_kev I decided to give this one a try from the pretty positive reviews, silly me, I thought this tale of a mild mannered librarian turned psycho killer had some potential. But the sad truth was that everything about this mess of a film is simply awful. From the porn-caliber acting to the lame ass comedy. The special effects (aka. Gore) was all right, but the rest of the movie was so bad that mere words can't convey how utterly disastrous it is. I thought that having the legendary Gunner Hansen AND legend H G Lewis would be a good sign and I'd find a diamond in the rough. Alas, no I couldn't have been more wrong. Avoid this film at all costs as it can only bring you misery. I consider myself a huge B-movie horror fan and even I loathed this film. That should tell you something.My Grade: D- DVD Extras: Commentary by Director/writer Jimmyo Burril, actress April Burril, and actor Shawn Jones: 30 minute documentary on the film; an interview with Gunnar Hansen; Story boards; a music video; promotional trailer; and trailers for "Skin Crawl", "Bacterium", "Creature from the hillbilly lagoon", "Chantel", "Sinful", "Shock-O-Rama", "Feeding the Masses", "Prison a go go", "Bite me!", "Screaming Dead", Suburben Nightmare", "Slime City", "Women's prison massacre", "Criminally Insane", "Satan's Black Wedding", & "Nurse Sherry" Eye Candy: Lesley Vermot got topless
obsidian468 Long has Hollywood been trying to create a cult classic film, ever since the 1950s, when Hollywood last produced their great low-budget classics. Hollywood has tried many times to create a cult classic horror film. Their most recent attempt was in Snakes on a Plane, which was disappointing at best. Big name stars simply don't appear in Cult Classics. Additionally, Cult Classics aren't made for the sake of being Cult Classics. A true Cult classic is made by an independent filmmaker, pouring his/her life and soul into a film, and creating a masterpiece, with a negligible budget, and a passion for film-making. It is this special recipe that we find in Chainsaw Sally.Chainsaw Sally is truly a cult classic, even being a new release. Writer/Director Jimmy-O Burril has truly created a masterpiece of fine cinema, in his quirky tale of our heroine, Chainsaw Sally. Mild-mannered Librarian by day, and psychopathic chainsaw killer by night. This film is a tale that will last for generations.While it doesn't have the special effects eye-candy that mainstream horror films have, it still has a generous dose of gore, very well done, without all the CG that is common in large budget films. The story carries the film far more than any effects do.I had the pleasure of seeing this film about six months before the official release, and was highly impressed. I've always been one to enjoy low-budget horror films, but this one struck me as being completely unique, among all of the films I've seen.Jimmy-O has written and directed a masterful film, filled with incredibly talented unknown actors (not to mention cameos by Gunnar Hansen - Leatherface himself - and Herschell Gordon Lewis - iconic classic horror filmmaker) that will delight and horrify audiences the world over.In the horror film community, this film has generated a lot of buzz and interest in the two years between the film's completion and release. This film is a must-see for any horror fan, and likely to be enjoyable by dark comedy fans as well.This is definitely a Must-See!
pippsta This movie is wonderful not only for the original murder scenes, but for the well developed relationship between Sally and Ruby. You can almost find yourself saying, "if I was in that situation, I'd do the same thing". There is also the "superhero" element - needing to chose between one world and the other and setting your priorities. This movie has a great feel and a wonderful flow. As Sally goes through her day and visits the different places that make up her world, you can sense the change in her mood. April Burril makes these changes seamlessly.Hats off to JimmyO and April. This is a movie that will be around for a long time to come. As this movie nods in the direction of TCM, someday others will be watching a new horror flick and find themselves thinking back on Sally...