| 29 October 2005 (USA)
Cerberus Trailers

The breastplate of Attila the Hun is stolen as it has clues to the location of the Sword of Mars. It is said the Sword of Mars made Attila invincible and is guarded by Cerberus.

Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
redhead9898 The film is about when Zach Gaines is kidnapped by Kul Jae Sung, his sister, Samantha Gaines, has to team up with bad guys to get him back to help them get a sword from Romania, since they stole the breastplate. Jake Addams and Burke chase them down and find her, it is revealed he is the man that Samantha talked to about Cerberus. Meanwhile, Marcus Cutter give Kul Jae the breastplate, then another bad guy Max is killed by two dogs, meanwhile, they get Zach and go to Romania to get the sword first, they get it, Cerberus, a three headed dog from hell, attack them and kills Burke. They escape while Marcus gets the sword for Kul Jae, when he returns at a town, he takes over a shop and kills the manager, holds the wife hostage until Kul Jae and two men come for the sword. He says he wants to keep it and slices Kul Jae's head off, kills the men while Samantha, Zach and Jake go to the village when the villagers start to put chairs ant tables and light them on fire, Cerberus kills teens camping out, and leaps over the fire, kills some villagers, while Jake and Marcus fight over the sword, Zach is thrown through a shop window and Jake throws Marcus off a building and gets eaten by Cerberus, he tosses the sword down to Samantha, who tries to get it, but Cerberus tail, which is a snake, pulls her away, while Jake stabs Cerberus in the head, who dies, and is transported back to hell. then, Zach walks over to him they hug and walk away. I give this film a A- you will like it!
drystyx A lot of sci-fi movies have been made lately, some okay, some terrible, and overall better than the badly scripted ones of the prior three decades. This one had all the better elements of B movie sci fi. A lot of adventure, a cheesy but likable plot, cheesy but likable characters, action, character, atmosphere, and well written and played humor in the right spots. The plot is made to be so hokey that we know this is supposed to be an unbelievable situation, so you have to accept this unbelievable world much as you would a Tolkien world. The unbelievability is more in line with a Bond world, however. If you like Bond movies, you would probably relish this movie. The sword of a Hun leader (the most famous one of course), is stolen from the Roman God of war, Mars, and guarded by the Greek three headed dog, Cerebus, in a village straight out of the Bavarian-Romanian Dracula type movies. So clearly, the writers had a ball putting this together, and no one is expected to take it seriously. Just sit back and enjoy the fun. The lead characters are very extreme, much like James Bond characters, but though the roles are unbelievable, the motivations and actions of the characters ring true in their predicaments. Each of the minor characters is presented with a bit of witticism, mystique, and integrity. No one is a wimp in this movie. And the decisions of the characters are well timed in credibility, which makes this a superior B movie. There are some great humorous moments, such as the bit when the girl suggests using the method of Orpheus to combat the dog beast. And we all know what the other characters think when she suggests a lyre. One of the best scripted pieces done in science fiction. This is what some of the more celebrated and high budget movies wanted to be, but failed. Entertaining and likable.
Skutter-2 The kind of thing you would expect for a low budget straight to DVD (Or Sci-fi channel) release. Basically the only reason anybody would watch this movie is to see a big three headed dog chomping on people. It doesn't deliver on that front as much one would hope, particularly in the first half which involves some pretty dull action stuff as our bland heroes and cookie cutter villains search for a magic sword (The sword of Mars, which apparently belonged to Attila the Hun if you're that interested). Things liven up a bit in the second half when the dodgy CGI Cerberus shows up and one of the bad guys gets hold the invulnerability granting sword.The plot is pretty dumb as one would expect. The level of intelligence you can expect from this movie is evident from the first scene which involves a robbery of museum in eastern Europe by the bad guys involving guys jumping through skylights with machine guns and grappling to the ground. I somehow doubt the level of security in a place like that is such that it would necessitate such an elaborate armed robbery. I guess the makers just thought it would make a cool action opening- It doesn't. As mentioned this is low budget stuff and the makers don't quite have the flair to get past such limitations and most the action sequences in the movie, particularly the gun battles in the first half are of Walker: Texas Ranger quality. An ancient breastplate which is stolen from the museum is supposed to be essential in leading to the magic sword but later on in the film our heroes manage to do so easily without it. In fact, given the importance placed on the sword in terms of archaeological and mythological magic value this presumably much sought after artifact is found very easily and quickly. The other notably dumb plot aspect of this movie is the subplot involving a North Korean general with some nukes. I have no idea why this subplot was added, other than perhaps to try and increase the stakes but it adds nothing to movie and really seems out of place. You won't have to look very far to find lots of other bits of stupidity in this film but hey it's got a big 3 headed killer dog.The characters and the actors playing them are a boring lot. The script seems like it was written by a twelve year old, complete with lame comedic banter between our hapless heroes which is so feeble and unfunny that nobody would even bother to laugh at the jokes at the end of a Scooby-do episode. There is not a lot of personality to spare between our leads. The male lead of course has a clichéd 'history' with the lead baddie who he used to serve with in the military. The female lead is the standard could pass for a supermodel scientist/archaeologist who is perfectly groomed and made up, even after hours of crawling around in dusty tunnels and who despite her supposed intelligence acts pretty stupidly.The cheesiness it delivered upon though. There are some fun scenes of the oh so fake CGI doggy tearing people up and some of the stuff with the sword wielding and now invulnerable baddie going on a rampage (All a bit Highlander really)is fun. They even manage to include such clichés as copulating teens getting killed by the beastie in one completely unnecessary scene and, I swear to god, a scene with a mob of European villagers with burning torches and at least one pitchfork. There was potential for a better movie here with the somewhat interesting mythology and the cool monster but this was a strictly paint by numbers, heartless product.Oh yeah, how the hell is Cerberus meant to return the sword back to Attila's tomb after it has killed anyone who took it?
Jack This movie is about the search for the sword of Attila the Hun, which will make it's possessor invincible. The bad guys consist of Greg Evigan (definitely NOT reprising his role from BJ and the Bear), and some North Korean general who left his country and is now trying to sell nukes on the open market. Evigan does a credible job as a semi-psycho ex-special forces soldier. The good guys are led by Sebastian Spence (Cade Foster from First Wave). He's a very welcome change from the usual Dean Cain or Lorenzo Lamas that the Sci-Fi Channel gets to star in their movies. Spence is assisted by a female scientist who's an expert in all things ancient, and a couple of other special forces types who more or less provide comedy relief.Overall, a pretty good movie. A bit too much comic relief from the sidekicks, and the characters don't seem to take the situation all that seriously. But, the acting is good, the locations are nice, and the CGI isn't nearly as bad as a lot of Sci-Fi Channel stuff.It kept me interested from beginning to end and didn't make me cringe or laugh at any unintentional humor. I'd recommend it to B-movie lovers.