Century Hotel
Century Hotel
R | 11 October 2001 (USA)
Century Hotel Trailers

David Weaver makes his feature debut with this omnibus film in which each tale is told during different points during the 20th century, but in the same hotel room -- room 720. The film opens during the swinging '20s when a beautiful young woman, married against her will to a brutish thug of a man, endures a tension-fraught honeymoon. During the Depression segment, a mail-order bride from China meets her husband for the first time. Following the end of WWII, a soldier returns home to meet his girlfriend and his best friend. During the paranoia of the 1950s, a professor searches for his wife. During the 1980s, a lawyer has too much sex and debt, and during the dawn of the millennium, a woman comes to a newly refurbished room 720 to meet her Internet lover. Such acclaimed Canadian actors as Tom McCamus, Sandrine Holt, and Colm Feore star in this film, which was screened at the 2001 Toronto Film Festival.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
ammerz A score of seven might seem a bit high for a "decent" movie, but I so rarely enjoy movies these days that this one deserves it.Basically, it's seven stories that happen in this one hotel room at different points in the twentieth century. Some of the stories are good, some are only mediocre, but overall it's a nice effect. The distinct atmosphere of each story gives you a good feel for the changing time periods. The transitions take a bit of getting used to at first, but I've seen worse. The ending isn't anything spectacular, but it fits in all right with the rest of the movie.This is the kind of movie that you can walk away from without feeling that you've wasted an hour and a half of your life. As a rule, I like that in entertainment. It's an interesting film that never slows down so much as to lose your attention. It's not a heavy film by any means; it's even got it's amusing moments. Watch it some evening when you've got nothing better to do.
joverson Some of the acting is relatively sub-par but can easily be looked over due to the thought provoking nature of the more relatable characters.Raine needs to act more so that overly obsessed fans like my girlfriend can see him more. Without the mullet.
KGB-Greece-Patras This all takes place in the very same room of a hotel at different times (old & modern). Although it starts off rather indifferently, it slowly unfolds into small really interesting stories which finally end up delivering the "goods" and being satisfying, at least to me. Unpredictable, with intense use of colour filters, it succeeds in its goal and in spite of dealing with -not-so-original- subject matters, it still remains authentic in story, technic & style and leaves you with a smile. Not for everyone...
come_raine_or_shine I also really liked Century Hotel. I only heard about it, because I am a huge OLP fan and I just wanted to see Raine Maida. But it was good! I haven't heard anything about it other than one article before it even came out. I watched it last night and I can't stop thinking about it. I wasn't disappointed in the movie, or Raine. And to the person who was looking for the song, it's called Can't Make It Good, but unfortunately I can't find it anywhere. I've been looking all day.