Celsius 41.11
Celsius 41.11
R | 22 October 2004 (USA)
Celsius 41.11 Trailers

This film attempts to correct the record when it comes to the left's attacks on President Bush, 9/11 and the war in Iraq and Kerry's 20-year tenure in the Senate.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Steineded How sad is this?
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
k albright "To describe it (Fahrenheit 9/11) as an exercise in facile crowd-pleasing would be too obvious." What makes "free-thinkers" so convinced that they can't trust anyone of political sway except Michael Moore? That this man should be somehow exempt from the nature of leftist skepticism is grossly hypocritical--how can we believe that everyone has a corrupt capitalistic or political agenda except him? Leftist skepticism itself brandishes a highly learned attitude toward social stance, yet sponging ideas from user friendly informational mediums such as Moore documentaries is by no means an unbiased source. Furthermore, liberalism by description is supposed to define a spirit of tolerance--not the brand of embittered tolerance so common today, which both demands that everyone share its stance while contradicting its own sensibility. Neutrality that demands that everyone else be neutral is not true neutrality.
Eric Hardee I think a little more effort could have gone into this. Anyone with even a basic knowledge of the topics and people covered in this movie will be at a loss as to how this can seriously be presented as fact. This movie probably did more to turn voters away from Bush than Farenheit 9/11. Perhaps it was meant to be a big joke - a mockery and a caricature of Michael Moore's brash style and sometimes unbelievable claims? I was hoping for good counterpoint - and of course movies like these and F 9/11 are always going to have that certain "spin" - but this "documentary" contains bold but false statements about subjects they probably shouldn't have mentioned if they wanted to sound credible. John O'Neill was actually brought in as a character witness to show how bad John Kerry is, which is like asking Saddam Hussein if he likes George Bush. If you choose to watch this film, please first go to your favorite sources and find "correct" facts on Joseph Wilson and the whole yellow cake thing, the "felon" voter fiasco in Florida in the 2000 election, and the whole true story behind John O'Neill - I would hate for anyone to walk away from this movie thinking they had been told hard facts. Regardless of your party affiliation or who you support, the learned viewer will find this movie irresponsible.
gwenna74 FINALLY THE TRUTH!!!!!!!!! The truth hurts...but it needs to be told. It is hilarious to me how some feel Michael Moore's version of events is the gospel and criticize Conservatives for not being able to keep an open mind- and then they bash this movie and call it propaganda. Get real! This is how most NORMAL Americans see reality- they can see the absurdity in the Liberal Leftist Press and they deal with it! So if you see this movie and disagree- don't be a whiny baby! Just be glad you live in a country (unlike pre-war Iraq) where both points of view can be expressed!!!GOD BLESS America!!!!!!!!!!!!
omriwendigo I prefer George W. Bush to Kerry as a man and politician by leaps and bounds. In terms of ideology, Bush and Kerry are not nearly so far apart from one another as I am from both of them, in that I am a Libertarian. Because of this, I feel that I can offer a fairly objective review of this film (though I do not care to invest too much time into this).Fahrenheit 9/11 is a mediocre movie that was overpraised by the liberal left in this country. I'm sure we're all aware of its deceptions and of the sheer largeness of its creator, Michael Moore. It isn't the worst film ever created (as some conservatives might have us believe), and it will make its small mark in cinematic history (though overshadowed by this year's Passion of the Christ in terms of controversy, I believe). Celsius 41.11 is an almost equally mediocre film, and though perhaps a little bit less fun it is certainly more factual. Celsius 41.11 is basically just a concise and intelligent rebuttal of liberal attacks on George W. Bush. It does a decent job explaining why the so-called "hatred" of our current president is fundamentally irrational. This is all fine and good, but it is shown to us in about as average a presentation imaginable. Moore does not have special talent in making movies, but he at least has <i>some</i> talent. Knoblock pieced together what seem to be, largely, collections of streamed footage from CNN.com or something. The ending montage was a bit over-the-top as well.I give it a 6 or 7 out of 10.*shrug*Vote for Badnarik! Leave the old parties behind!