| 25 July 2006 (USA)
Cello Trailers

A cellist is haunted by strange events after a car wreck.

TinsHeadline Touches You
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
p-stepien Cello instructor and would-be music professor Hong Mi-ju (Hyeon-a Seong) entrapped within unresolved past issues becomes haunted by an unnamed ghost, which has clear bad intentions and will stop at nothing to enact revenge for an unnamed wrong. Pretty standard Asian ghost theme? You betcha."Cello" is so deeply in tune with the Asian ghost film phenomenon that it starts eating its own toes within the first few scenes. However repetitive the story a proper execution would at least keep up interest in the unfolding story, even if surprises are few and far between. Hyeon-a Seong gives off a terrible performance painstakingly imitating emotions with the utmost failure being that of fear. Supporting cast further dilute the story with some laughable reactions, which make 1980s slasher movies look almost Oscar worthy. Scare factor is severely diluted not only down to performances, but also thanks to the unwaning deja vu attacks. Held together by a slow meandering plot which lacks both compassion or tension with frights signalized by overtly noisy and predictable music / sounds reaching the finale is an arduous task. Once there the story does offer some respite to those, who traversed the journey with a nicely tied in twist conclusion, notwithstanding the irksome humdrum leading to the point.
Scott Baldwin (Meven_Stoffat) Actually, checking the "spoiler" box was a tad bit of an oxymoron. There's nothing to spoil really. And actually, right now I'm sitting at my desktop with a dumb, moronic facial expression, wondering what I should type...Instead I'll just go over what this movie has:Mysterious bedtime ghost visitations (The Grudge)? Check. Mysterious Marie-Antoinette-esquire Decor (Strange Circus)? Check. Mysterious haunted recording devices? (The Ring)? Check. Mysterious Long Haired Female Ghosts? Check, though I'm surprised there aren't two of them, which means DOUBLE the aggravation... oh wait... Mysteruious scary noises made by female long haired female ghosts (The Grudge)? Check. Myaterious distorted pictures (the Ring)? Check. Mysterious hands (The Grudge)? Check. Mysterious False endings (The Ring)? Double check.In short, just watch the above movies instead and keep far away from this fragmented craporama.
LCShackley I used to teach music theory. I flunked a student one time and his mother went ballistic, sending slanderous letters about me to the dean, the president, and eventually even the board of the school. Well, let me just say that her treatment of me was mild in comparison to what happens to the teacher in THIS trashy horror flick.Well, at least that's what we're led to believe at the beginning. The offended student is getting revenge on her snooty teacher. But then other weird things start happening. We see the same scenes repeated, but with different characters and outcomes. We have odd supernatural sounds and horrific nightmares. We have a bizarre mute housekeeper who creeps everyone out, but who stays because the husband feels sorry for her. (Would you keep a housekeeper who had "swallowed acid" if you had two young girls in the house?) There are deaths (including two animals and a small child), suicides, and an autistic child who loves the cello.This film can't seem to decide what it's really about. Mental illness? Revenge? Self- punishment? Competition in the world of music? It's just a bunch of random plot elements hung together on a cello string. It's one thing to have surprises in a movie; it's another thing to be misled by an idiotic script. And it's got an ending that's a weird combination of GROUNDHOG DAY and CARRIE.My most profound memory from this movie is: "Wow, Korea has the CLEANEST parking garage floors in the universe." I'm already forgetting the rest.
ianmutimer I am getting slightly tired of these depressing weepy dark movies about someone dying and their ghost wanting revenge. Change the story. It's almost getting as regular as Steven Seagal movies.Well there were some scary moments and also made me jump a couple of times. But the characters annoyed me because they're always so damn miserable and make no attempt to get themselves out the situation. This is the storyline - a woman is jealous of her friend as she plays the cello better than her (get over it already), then after they have a car crash she is in a position to save her or to let her drop, she let's her drop because of the whole cello thing I'm guessing. So then she has hallucinations and the ghost of her friend basically causes her family members to die, one by one. Then at the end, it goes back in time to just after the crash and they show the start of the movie again. Then the ghost hand goes in her hair and it ends. STUPID.Don't watch it, there are far better Asian horror flicks to watch.