Catching Trouble
Catching Trouble
| 08 May 1936 (USA)
Catching Trouble Trailers

This short follows a day of work for an Everglades wildlife trapper catching animals for zoos around America. In this film, his assignment is to go out into the swamp with his Indian assistant and find a bobcat, 2 black bear cubs and six rattlesnakes.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
TheExpatriate700 Catching Trouble is now mostly known for its appearance on Mystery Science Theater 3000. It is a short film documenting the activities of Ross,who works for the Chicago Zoo as an animal catcher. What ensues is some of the more harrowing animal cruelty you'll find in a film outside Cannibal Holocaust.Over the course of ten minutes, Ross captures bob cats, bear cubs, and rattlesnakes. Only the rattlesnake sequence isn't cringe inducing. Ross cuts down trees and drags around screaming baby animals. The scene with the bear cubs is particularly disgusting, particularly when one considers that back in the old days, zoos frequently obtained baby animals by killing their mothers.Best watched either for dark comedy, as in the case of MST3K, or as a document of attitudes toward animals during the 1930s.
CelluloidRehab First of all, this movie was made back in 1936 and it's a bit like talking to your grandpa. You understand it's his way & not malicious, but it's still a bit outdated and un-PC. Based on the movie on it's own, I would give it a 1. The extra vote was for the MST3k version, which improves upon the pain. Definitely do not watch alone & remember to adopt an orphan afterward. Our protagonist, Ross Allen, is described as a modern day Tarzan. His job is catching live animals for the zoo from the Florida Everglades. With the assistance of his faithful Seminole guide, who's name is either "Eh Wat" or nothing at all, he fulfills an order asking for the following: 1 live bobcat, 2 cub black bears, 3 six-foot diamondback rattlers & a partridge in a pear tree (I made that last part up). Ross has a variety of techniques for capturing these living animals. Techniques such as: chopping down the tree the animal is in (you could also have your man servant attempt this), chasing animals to & from trees, smashing animals into the ground, pulling animals out of the trees or water-boarding a bear. In all honesty, by the end, I was hoping one of those snakes would get a nice bite of Ross. Time eventually did.-Celluloid Rehab
jay-1086 a rare gem of filmography, this peek into the -not to distance past -shows what life was like in the wilderness of America's coastal swamps.Ross is a role model for todays youth on how to enjoy the outdoors like a real American should.his courage and skill is second to none when it comes to animal capture and handling a zoo capture team Ross and Ole sourpuss fill the bill for many of a big city zoos. in short Ross is one tough sob. doing all this and filming it too; if you liked this film check out IMDb for his other work also view" hatari" or "jacare"or " naked prey"or any films by osa and martin johnson.hope you enjoy" catching trouble" as much as i did .well gotta go feed my seminole.
Pietro_Shakarian "Catching Trouble" sucks period. It features the cruel Ross who catches animals for zoos with his faithful Indian sidekick, "Ol' Sourpuss" or something like that. Ross adventures around to bring bear cubs, snakes, wild cats, and other animals back to the zoo in ways which would make the Animal Humane Society want to burn every existing copy of this.I highly recommend watching the MST3k version of this stinker.