Casting Couch
Casting Couch
NR | 12 March 2013 (USA)
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Desperate to meet new girls, six down-on-their-luck guys come up with the ultimate plan to hook up - cast a fake movie. When tons of hot chicks show up for the audition, it's a matter of who's willing to go the farthest to get the part.

Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Trevor Gillderson Some of you hardcore IMDb'ers will scoff at my 7. You may even write me off altogether as a reviewer, and that's okay. All I really want to do in writing reviews at all is to impact a few people and share my experiences with them. Now that you have my mission statement, let's get on to the review.This is funny, as in laugh out loud watch it with your girlfriend funny. That is not to say that it has an exceedingly high production budget, but as we have seen from recent films ( you know which ones I am talking about ) that doesn't necessarily equate to a good watching experience. Comedy is a tricky thing, what one person finds funny other people will simply hate. That's life.The bottom line is, this is much better than the slew of romantic comedies being hurled at us starring people we are all tired of seeing who aren't even that funny to begin with. That's why it gets a 7. Fresh faces, fresh comedy.
maryamjulianne While it is true that it helps to have a big wad of cash to throw at a project this film is proof that you don't have to have it to make a funny movie. Nothing about this movie is going to make you go "WOWWWW", but I guarantee you will find yourself laughing out loud at some of the scenes. I don't want to write any spoilers in here so I don't want to reveal much, but I can say this movie has a surprising wrap-up that I found to be really charming. Looking forward to the next production for sure.As for my rating of 7, perhaps it's a bit generous but lately there have been so many really lackluster comedies that got barely a chuckle out of me. It's nice to laugh.
Sam Smith Make no mistake, this is not a high dollar production. It doesn't have any particularly big names in it, and the script is not a masterpiece in it's own right. What it lacks in those areas it makes up for by casting really really hot girls.That is not to say the rest of the cast did a bad job, I think they did great considering the nature of the film. I do have to give this a 6 though. I feel like they could have done so much more with those ladies. Where's the obligatory walking in on the couple doing the horizontal boogaloo? Where's the wild girl on girl action? I know this isn't an adult film, but it is unrated so why not capitalize on it? If you just want to watch something that will entertain you and leave you with a overall good feeling at the end I would recommend this film. If you are looking for high-octane high-dollar thrills just keep moving.
wintersimasa If you like to laugh this is worth the watch for sure. Yes, it is a movie about a bunch of guys trying to get laid by hot girls. Yes the girls are really hot and yes will see some top notch boob action.Is this a Hollywood blockbuster? Hell no. Is it funny? Absolutely. Once you get past the first 20 min. or so it's really pretty enjoyable. I am not easily swayed but this one certainly did win me over. Does that mean I want to invite all my friends over and have a large public screening?NO. But I bet if I did and there was lots of beer and a few hotties they would all have a great time watching this.