Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-Lot
Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-Lot
| 05 October 2004 (USA)
Care Bears: Journey to Joke-a-Lot Trailers

Funshine Bear travels to Joke-a-lot where the people there crown him king.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
generaallucas I have never seen CGI this bad in my entire life. This is CGI that, if it were to be handed in as an assignment at any art school for first year students, would fail. And that is not an exaggeration. For one, the unwrapping is horrendous; Nothing connects together and it is completely broken. One example is on a bridge, where the underside of the bridge is the exact same at the up side, and where the sides of the bridge do not connect together with the up- and underside of the bridge. (If you don't know what unwrapping is, watch this video: CGI materials are also enormously inconsistent; sometimes they use bump or specular mapping, sometimes they don't, despite them being the same kind of object. (such as wood or dirt on the ground) That is not how one does CG. And the placement of the objects themselves... there are trees that clip right into the ground with no trunk whatsoever. And the story... it's not worse than the 80s movies, which were already insanely bad, and the story actually focuses on one specific Care Bear that develops his character throughout the story, which is a godsend for this franchise. Still, there is nothing interesting about it and the narrative falls apart in its own plot holes and contrivances.So, unless you want to punish your child, do not let him/her watch this movie. Put on the original Winnie the Pooh instead.
Growlyted I enjoyed the original 2d movies for their charm & imagination. My favourite characters were Grumpy Bear (reduced to a whiny toddler in this mess), Hugs & Tugs (baby bears) & the Care Bear Cousins. The babies & cousins were absent, as were any humans. The bears learn a lesson about there's a time to laugh & a time to be serious, but the way they treat Grumpy at the beginning is appalling. The original Grumpy was an able handy bear & he growled about things, but beneath was a heart of gold. You admired him. Here he just comes across as a wimp. The new voice was dreadful. The others were just as bad. In fact the only character I cared about was a sweet pig called Gig. The villains in the original films were scary, but the rat & mosquitoes aren't even vaguely threatening. Care-a-lot had been radically redesigned. 3d computer animation doesn't have the same appeal for me as 2d. It's too hard edged, perfect & unfluffy. Certainly inappropriate for Care Bears. Some bears had been coloured differently. Better to seek out the originals. This newbie lost its way entirely. 3/10
gurgitoy2 Well, I'm a child of the 80's, and LOVED the Care Bears back then, and watch the TV show, saw the movies...owned a few myself. So, when I saw that there was a new movie, in CGI, I was a bit skeptical. First, I know just how many awful CGI movies there have been, and I wasn't sure anybody could be trusted with the Care Bears. So, I saw Journey to Joke-a-Lot come and go, and wasn't that interested in seeing it.So, last night I happened to stumble on it on the Disney Channel, and decided to finally watch it. I was very surprised at how good it actually was. Yes, some of the classic things like the Care Bear Stare and the Cousins were not around, but that didn't really bother me at all. I found the animation to be very good for a direct-to-video affair, and much, much better than those awful Barbie movies.The bears looked so cute, furry, and round in CGI, and the other characters were interesting. Even the rat had computerized fur. The songs were surprisingly good too, and seemed like something from a feature film, or a Disney film. I also liked some of the references to other movies like 2001: A Space Odessey. That happened when Funnybone would try to get into the vault where the treasure was hidden and the computer was much like Hal from 2001. It even called Funnybone "Dave" every time.I really enjoyed this movie much more than I thought I would, and would highly recommend it to anyone. I have to say that even though I grew up watching the original Care Bears cartoons and movies, I would rate this one above those due to it's not pandering to kids and dumbing everything down. This movie had a nice balance, and would be easy for parents to watch with the kids.
imamommy "Journey to Joke-a-lot" is a thoroughly enjoyable family film, with catchy music, witty jokes, and a good lesson at it's core. It deviates somewhat from the parameters of the original Care Bears world, but it very enjoyable nonetheless.This movie helps kids examine the balance between being responsible and having fun. The story centers on Funshine Bear, who leaves Care-a-Lot after some of his jokes provoke Grumpy Bear to get hurt and, well, grumpy. After leaving his home, Funshine stumbles upon the Land of Joke-a-lot, where he is declared king based on the word of the steward of the kingdom, Sir Funnybone. When his friends come to find him, Fushine has to decide between his friends and Care-a-Lot, or being king of a people who live to have fun. Meanwhile, Sir Funnybone the rat is hatching his plan to steal the royal jewels of Joke-a-lot.While fans of the old-school Care Bears will miss certain elements, such as the Care Bear Stare, the Cousins, and really creepy bad guys, this movie has a lot of heart, and deals with learning to have a good time, but not at the expense of other people's feelings.The music is a lot of fun. Had some of these songs been written with different lyrics, they certainly would get air time. We own the soundtrack as well, which has the five songs from the movie plus eight new tracks,and the music always gets our family up and dancing.The CG animation is good, and helps add a really cute roundness to the Bears (it's pretty funny to watch their tummies move as they breathe). The gags, jokes, and one-liners are pretty funny (until King Funshine's coronation speech; I think these jokes are purposely written to be old hat, and therefore are not funny, but the Joke-a-Lotters laugh anyway. Also, adults may note the in-jokes: references to "2001: A Space Odyssey" and Bill Gates, for example.If you enjoyed the Care Bears the first time, I think you will really like this new incarnation, and if you didn't like them before, give this a try. The movie blends a lot of the best of the old with some great new stuff.