Carbon Pirates
Carbon Pirates
| 21 January 2025 (USA)
Carbon Pirates Trailers

Amid a shortage of public water supply facilities and growing distrust of tap water, the bottled water market has surged to a staggering $300 billion industry. In India, private water suppliers known as the ‘Water Mafia’ thrive, while in Chiapas, Mexico, Coca-Cola has become a substitute for water itself. Against this backdrop, an astounding one million plastic bottles of water are sold every minute. The carbon emissions of bottled water are 700 times higher than those of tap water. Yet, some bottled water products bear a "carbon-neutral" label. How can water packaged in plastic, derived from fossil fuels, and transported hundreds of kilometers be classified as ‘Carbon neutral’?

Laikals The greatest movie ever made..!
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Sharkflei Your blood may run cold, but you now find yourself pinioned to the story.