R | 03 October 2006 (USA)
Canes Trailers

David Goodman is on the pick of his career as a PR executive when he suddenly loses his chance for a big promotion and, unfortunately, his sight at a street attack. Soon after a message is left on his answering machine about a doctor, named Guillermo List, who can help David to regain his eyesight and get his career back on track with only price... his soul.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
morkulv_athferion Looking at the IMDb-page I noticed that the current grade of this movie is a 3. After even more research, I found out that 24 people voted a 10/10 for this movie. All I have to say about that is these people must have been on some very crazy drugs...This movie is horrible, but this movie is so stupid and crap that it makes you search for new ways to describe its level of shittyness. The plot of this mess makes as much sense as making a movie about killer tooth-picks or something. The acting is almost to the point where its nonexistent. If I would walk onto the street and ask a random person to act like he was possessed I would probably get better results then the acting being performed in this movie. The thought that the people starring in this movie even got paid is simply mindboggling to me.Whatever you thought this movie was going to be like when you saw the title or saw the poster or anything is not true. Its not some hidden gem of a movie that rarely people speak about, Its a waste of time and it holds no entertainment value.Oh wait, scratch that. Those special effects were kinda funny...
kittek-1 The acting is bad. The main actor puts on a flat performance that entirely failed to convince me that it was anything more than an actor going through the motions. He did not show remorse when he spoke of it, though he played out the arrogant bits OK, as is he conveyed this puny little loser-man finding himself with more power than he knows what to do with. But he never explores the regret of the evil things he is made to do. Every scene seemed emotionally disconnected from the last. The supporting acting is not any better. the story is lame; Evil magic item possesses its owner to do bad things. It's been so overdone and there is no original new twist to redeem the worn out plot line. None of the characters have any traits to draw you in and make you care about them at all. The special effects were so-so. Don't waste your time on this one.
tebot If you watch Mrs. Goodman drive around town, one second she is driving a BMW, next second it's an Audi. Also the license plate rotates from one to the next, never on the same car twice. Early in the movie she said Furlongs character bought a Porsche. Never did see it. I got this movie by mistake as there was two movies with the name "The Covenant". This one and the good one. I think the producers figured on riding on the name to get people like me confused and rent their video. If it wasn't for the name, it wouldn't make it on it's own. Michael Madsen really stooped low for this role. The make-up and wardrobe people should not quit their day jobs.
Dan Kyle I just saw "Canes" on the pay-TV channel here in British Columbia, and since it was also filmed here I guess that is fitting, and I can also recommend the beautiful scenery! The movie itself, however, was shot on a nothing budget, and contains average performances by all the leads except Furlong, who has not reached any of the potential he showed in his earlier films from the 90's. The most surprising thing about the movie is that the special effects - especially on this budget - are better than the plot (which I'll only describe as "horror"). Somehow, this film was shown at Cannes last month (Canes, Cannes, Uma, Oprah...), but I cannot imagine sitting and watching this film anywhere but at home, as it is slow and not very horrific either. But if you have nothing better to do, and it is free, then...