| 29 January 1943 (USA)
Calaboose Trailers

A love-smitten cowpoke acciidentally causes a horse stampede.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Michael_Elliott Calaboose (1943) ** (out of 4) Hal Roach comedy was directed by the famous producer's son, Hal Roach, Jr.. Jimmy Rogers and Noah Beery, Jr. play two cowboys who ride into a small town where Beery falls in love with a girl (Mary Brian). Beery learns that the only way to get close to her is by getting arrested because the girl loves going to jail and trying to change criminals. This film runs 45-minutes and it makes good for the most part, although it's never as funny as it thinks it is. Rogers and Beery and pretty good in their roles but the screenplay doesn't allow them much. There's a subplot about gangsters who come into town but this here doesn't add anything or go anywhere. This was the second of three films in the "Streamliners" series.
malcolmgsw This is one of the 3 feature screen liner series that feature Jimmy Rogers and Noah Beery Jnr and directed by Hal Roach Jnr.The main features of all 3 being that they are only 5 reels long and are painfully unfunny.This was really an attempt by Hal Roach to combat the effect of the double feature,so that exhibitors could for example show 2 screen liners claim that this was a double feature programme and therefore get in maybe two or three shows more per day.However since his studio ceased production when he was enlisted in 1942 this theory was never strongly put to the test.It has to be said that the material is very thin and there are virtually no laughs to be had.So that at even 45 minutes or so it drags along.Roach made a big mistake in letting go of Laurel & Hardy and it was all downhill from there on in.