Cad and Caddy
Cad and Caddy
| 17 July 1947 (USA)
Cad and Caddy Trailers

Lulu plans her revenge against a distressed golfer who refuses to give her a lollipop after he promised her one for caddying for him.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
TheLittleSongbird The 26 Little Lulu cartoons made during 1944-1948 (and the two made in the early 60s) were uneven (individually and the series as a general overview) but watchable.While there are, previous to 'Cad and Caddy', some good Little Lulu cartoons such as 'Hullaba-Lulu', 'Magica-Lulu', 'Musica-Lulu', 'Bargain Counter Attack' and 'Beau Ties' and some great ones like 'Bored of Education' and 'Chick and Double Chick', there are also mediocre or less ones such as 'Lulu Gets a Birdie', 'Lulu at the Zoo' and 'Lulu's Birthday Party' (two of those three having the character of Mandy as one of the main problems).'Cad and Caddy' is one of the best of the Little Lulu cartoons. Once again, the story is slight and sometimes predictable. However, there is so much that is great about 'Cad and Caddy', namely the great interplay between Little Lulu and her foil, a Bluto-like golf player, both of whom with strong enough personalities to keep the cartoon engaging.Once again, the animation is nice. The style of it may take some getting used to but when you compare this cartoon to Little Lulu's debut 'Eggs Don't Bounce' the difference is staggering, here the drawing is more refined and the colours more vibrant. Winston Sharples' music score is whimsical, beautifully orchestrated and characterful as always. The main song is infectious.Doesn't fall short in the laughs department either, the gags are very well executed and while not always hilarious they are highly amusing and never less with misfires being none.Jackson Beck's voice work is particularly good, although Cecil Roy does fine too.In conclusion, another winner of a Little Lulu cartoon. 9/10 Bethany Cox
ccthemovieman-1 This was my first look at a Little Lulu cartoon, and, wow, was it bizarre! At lot of things happened in this animated short. I'll just set the stage:Little Lulu is playing leap-frog (with a real frog, naturally) casually making her way at a golf course when she comes upon this gruff Bluto-looking guy hacking away at the ball. He's missed so many times, he's a hole that looks three feet deep."Are you digging for something," Lulu asks innocently. The thug tells her to "beat it," and threatens to hit her with his club. Lulu hands him another club. He yells at her again but hits it, and the ball goes in the hole! Hmm, he looks at Lulu and says, "How would like to be my caddy? I've give you a big, fat lollipop."She caddies for this brute (hence, the "Cad" in the title) and he gets nasty, reneges on his promise, Lulu gets revenge but then appears to be killed by this guy, but then gets more goodies than she asked for in the end. Oh, and the frog plays a key role.This cartoon is just plain lunacy. Ih has some very good slapstick laughs in it and certainly keeps your interest.
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