| 20 January 2006 (USA)
Bugcrush Trailers

A teenager's infatuation with the new bad boy at school leads him onto a dark path.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
fillefraiche This film was disturbing. Plain disturbing. The short starts clear- it centers around a gay teen who is fascinated and/or obsessed with the new kid at school. The beginning was comprehensible enough, and I was interested in it. But then it began to get weird. About 3/4 through, it began to get disgusting, and I mean disgusting. The film was continually inconsistent (an oxy moron, i know) it shifted from romance to drugs to sex to drugs again, and I began to lose track of what was going on. Another issue: There was barely any plot, any that was at least recognizable, and I was extremely confused by the end. pretty pointless. Something positive about the film- although it was really confusing (which should have shattered my interest in the movie) it managed to keep my attention. The fact that it shifted from story to story continuously was not great in terms of what expectations a film should live up to, but it still managed to keep me (i suppose the correct term is) absorbed the entire time, with the exception of during pointless intervals filled with bad dialogue. Another good thing about the film was the acting. It wasn't excellent, but the actors were able to play the parts well even though they weren't written well. Over all, I wouldn't exactly recommend it. It's a chore to understand it, though it was interesting. It was disturbing, and did have a couple WTF moments. It had no clear plot and the writing wasn't good, but I can't completely discourage anyone from watching it because it's not on that level of terrible.
Mark O'Connell I'm on the short subject selection committee for a film festival and just screened this with the committee last night. When the film was over there was silence in the room... What can you say about a film that is so thoroughly sickening and disturbing? This was NOT a condemnation of date rape--if it had been, it might have had a reason to exist. But, no... not only did the filmmaker choose to depict gay date rape between minors, he lovingly reveled in the acts of the rapist. All you people who loved the film watch it again and pay attention to the director's choices... every shot is meant to make the viewer identify with the rapist. You can say all you want about the directorial style and the technical proficiency of the film, it doesn't matter. What kind of person wakes up one day and says, "I really NEED to make a film about the sickest, most perverted sexual crime I can imagine?" This film is completely vile.
cordlesspaper I got a chance to see this at CineVegas this year and I have to say I was very impressed.The performances all around were well executed with a standout job by Josh Barclay Caras as Ben. He delivered a subtle performance that embodies the uncertainty of youth, coupled with the desire to fit in and find connection.Writer/Director Carter Smith creates such a wonderfully dark and heavy atmosphere throughout the film. He really does an excellent job of creating a sense of foreboding in unique and original ways.This is definitely a film worth seeing if you get a chance to do so.
Josh McCusker From beginning to end, this movie is a dark portrayal of youth of today. It opens with the perfect introductions to our characters; the loner, anti-authority focus of our lead's fascination and the obviously small world of Ben, for whom the story is told. From the moment he lays eyes on Grant, you can see the longing in Ben's eyes. The very need to watch every movement is reminiscent of those crushes that most gay men go through as teenagers. Even as his friends warn him from the path he's following, Ben cannot help himself. It was up until this point that the movie was perfect. I felt it lost a point for the ending, which even though I had a feeling was coming to some extent, was still disappointing. I had hoped that it would only end up with Ben falling in with Grant's crowd of under-achieving slackers, but instead it brought us back in time to when all stories about gay people ended in misery. Over-all, it is still a great movie, which is why I wasn't willing to dock too many points for my own disappointment.