Bug Buster
Bug Buster
PG-13 | 18 January 1998 (USA)
Bug Buster Trailers

After the mayor uses a potentially dangerous substance to protect the local plantation, the lakeside town of Mountview, in California, is attacked by a lethal species of large cockroach. After some of the town's inhabitants are killed, the mayor enlists the help of eccentric pest exterminator General George S. Merlin in order to prevent further harm to the local dwellers.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Claudio Carvalho In the small lakeside town of Mountview, in California, the Major decides to pulverize a dangerous substance to protect the local plantation. Thirteen years later, a harmful and lethal species of cockroaches appears nearby the lake, threatening and killing the local dwellers. The famous exterminator General George S. Merlin (Randy Quaid) is called to fight against the bugs.Yesterday I was walking around downtown of Rio de Janeiro, and I found this DVD on sale for less than US$ 3.00. When I saw the names of Star Trek crew James "Scotty" Doohan, George "Sulu" Takei, Randy Quaid and the delicious Katherine Heigl in the cast I immediately bought and saw it at night.The story of "Bug Buster" is simply ridiculous and the performances are awful, being difficult to highlight the worst in the "amazing" cast: the hero David Lipper, in the role of Steve Williams? Ty O'Neal, the smart Deputy Bo? Meredith Salenger, the slut Veronica Hart? George Takei, the crazy entomologist Professor Hiro Fujimoto? Randy Quaid, the exaggerated General George S. Merlin? I believe the correct answer would be all of them. Further, the cheap special effects are laughable. But this director Lorenzo Doumani is "hors-concours", seeming to be the reincarnation of Ed Wood. In spite of being so bad, the most impressive is that in the end I liked this flick, and I laughed a lot. It has also a great potential of cult-movie, a big joke, missing only the usual naked women, or the breast of Katherine Heigl to complete the appeal. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Baratas Assassinas" ("Cockroaches Killers")
pantagruella I am sure this film is one of those 'cheap' DVDs that we have here in grocery stores for £4.99. I bought it for a pound, but I think that was too steep.As one reviewer said "No-one has to make a film this bad." And as someone else said, "What were they thinking of?"This film does belong to 'so bad it's good' genre, but it wasn't good enough to persuade me to stay up for the denouement. A typical bizarre scene is where the Sheriff rescues a young men who has fallen in the deadly lake. The young man is in trouble but he is clearly going for the Gold Medal for bad acting. I think the actor should attend Stanislavasky's current drama school in the Gulag somewhere.So, the young man is being attacked by something we can't see - it later turns out to be a medium-sized silt-sifter with a red vertical stripe painted down its middle. So, we can't see this vicious fish that's mauling the young man; but with very great reluctance the Sheriff, an old warrior from Star Trek, takes aim at the mildly disturbed surface and fires. Apparently his vision and aim are top notch because he kills that red-striped fish with just the one bullet. End of scene.Another amusing aspect is the man who has retired from something in the rat race and invested ALL his income in some lakeside roadhouse and hotel. His wife and daughter didn't think this investment and move to the sticks was such a good idea. But when a strangely-bearded musician is killed by large stick-on bugs at the hotel, he resolves to sell out for 25c in the dollar.25c in the dollar! I just had to worry about a father who makes that kind of investment.The whole thing is ludicrous. The script is weird. It's not apparent but hardly two consecutive lines make much sense.I was impressed by the first swimming girl because she seemed to have Buffy-style patter and reminded me a little of cross between Faith and Charisma Carpenter. It's a shame that she turns out to be the community's loose woman and has to develop all those great bug-induced squishy lumps.It's a funny film if you're in the right company, but I can't honestly encourage to BUY this film at any price.
BradleyUK What an incredible film. Incredible in the fact that the Cast & Crew have admitted they made it, and that it actually got released. Thankfully it did and a copy made it to a local news agent in east London and was then purchased by a friend of mine (5 DVD's for £10 or some other offer) The joy I had watching this was like scratching the soles of my feet, it tickles & irritates & annoy's yet at the same time it relieves them and i want to do it more..argh!!! The acting IS the worst i've ever seen (I watch a lot of rubbish movies) the script is just as bad & Randy Quaid deserves an Oscar for the worst performance by a 'trained' actor. I loved the use of Star Trek old timers, there performances just add to the badness of the whole production. This is a perfect example that the saying 'its so bad its good' isnt always true. Plan 9 fitted into this catogory yet this film seems too knowledgable of its own badness to pull it off. After saying all this bad stuff i must admit I havent laughed so much for years. I advise all people into film to watch this as an example of how bad films can be & how much we should appreciate it when a decently scripted,acted & directed film hits the silver screen......think i might watch it again after all this talk...i need a good laugh.....1/10 (although 10/10 for being such a freak of a film) P.S. Many thanks to my so called mate for lending me this pile of.....
innocuous Come on, people! This is one of the "worst" movies you've ever seen? I can think of dozens of much worse movies. Take a look at another bug movie, "Mimic", that played on the SF channel today right after "Bug Buster". Is it really any better than "BB"? "BB" is a low-budget movie that doesn't take itself seriously. It doesn't try to be anything more than it is. Randy Quaid does an excellent job of playing the same character he always does. The dialogue and special effects are often (intentionally) hilarious. This is not a work of art, but it's a heck of a lot better than half the pretentious, over-produced junk currently coming out of both Hollywood and the indies. Take a chill pill, kick back, and watch it for what it is...not what you think it ought to be.If you want a genuinely bad (i.e., just about unwatchable) movie, check out John Waters' "Multiple Maniacs" or some other truly deserving dreck.