Brooklyn Brothers Beat the Best
Brooklyn Brothers Beat the Best
| 21 September 2012 (USA)
Brooklyn Brothers Beat the Best Trailers

Recently dumped by his girlfriend, underachiever Alex (O'Nan) embarks on an impromptu road trip with his new bandmate, the eccentric Jim (Michael Weston). By channeling their inner children and giving a new meaning to the term "lo-fi," Alex and Jim find their unique style by bringing the sound of children's instruments to their unsuspecting fans. Playing a series of bizarre shows and experiencing multiple near-disasters, Alex and Jim's persistence takes them on a true coming-of-age journey

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
jakk54 Truly a delightful little film. The leads gave terrific, emotionally- resonant performances.Unlike too many mainstream comedy films, this one has subtlety, and depth of character and motivations we can all relate to.I really enjoyed the music, too. There seems to be a trend in indie movies at the moment, for quirky, acoustic songs, and the music in this little gem adds something to the milieu.There are touches of pathos alongside the humor. And you do find yourself rooting for the oddball heroes and heroine.I can recommend this unreservedly if you enjoy originality, a sparky script, great performances and the road movie genre. Wonderful stuff.
kal9000 I don't understand why people are raving about this movie. I wanted it to be as good as some of the other reviewers said, but found it to be unoriginal and dull. It's your typical indie comedy offbeat romance/find yourself picture. Felt like they we trying to go for the whole "Garden State" feel, but it wasn't as smartly observed or executed. While the actors are all likable and it was well shot, I found the characters and plot to be one dimensional and predictable. The Andrew McCarthy brother character being one example of many characters who seemed to come out of a Do-It-Yourself screen writing kit. The strict and religious older brother who wants his free-spirited younger brother to grow up and fly right. I thought the music was okay, but neither that nor any of the insights the characters make throughout the movie are nearly as good or profound as anyone in the movie seems to think they are. I don't know why this movie bugged me so much, it really isn't awful, I thought it was going to be more interesting than it was.
betsybloos I ain't keen on reviewing on IMDb and i sure as hell don't trust it's ratings.This movie proved me right for the very first time for real, 5.8 on IMDb is ridiculous.This movie rocks out in so many ways, it's feelgood, it's far out and it makes you see there is light at the end of this tunnel that we're all in these days.I cannot begin to describe any favorite part of this movie, it's all good, well made, simple plot and plain awesome.If you want a good time tonight, go see this with your friend, family, loved-one and I'll guarantee you a great time and lots to think about.Not in real life troubleshooting but in real life feelings about the world we live in.Have fun.
jenuine36 Hello dear fellow movie lovers! I was so fortunate to view this film at the 6th Annual Gasparilla International Film Festival last night. I simply *adored* this film! It was funny, thought-provoking, funny, and overall - inspiring! And did I mention... funny?? If you love great modern films with spot-on dialogue and characters that you can care about, plus the added bonus of bringing your spirits higher --- look no further. Go see this movie!! I can't wait to see this again when it comes out in general release. And thank you, guys, for sharing your music after the viewing! Such a treat.Best, Jennifer in Tampa