Broken Lullaby
Broken Lullaby
| 15 October 1994 (USA)
Broken Lullaby Trailers

Rich Hungarian-born orphan Katya Davidov commissions Jordan Kirkland to research her past starting from a photograph, showing her as a child next to an elusive Fabergé music box. Luckily experienced Yankee-Hungarian treasure hunter and womanizer Nick Rostov gently forces his help upon her, although Jordan stubbornly risks dealing with his dodgy competitor Gudrun Kuper and her ruthless employer, count Borodin.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
dhill-316-857305 This film was only worth watching for the beautiful locations, which earned my 2 star vote. The story was totally unrealistic. I know it's a bit of a fantasy mystery/romance, but it just lacked little touches that would have made it so much better. Everybody that the heroine met with spoke English perfectly, 9 times out of 10 with an American accent! The arriving/living/researching in a strange country seemed to go remarkably smoothly, no trying to find her way about, struggling with unfamiliar money or language. Every time they went to the train station the train was there! No difficulty trying to work out the timetable. Public phones were within a few yards whenever one was needed (pre-mobile phone days....). The genealogical research was accomplished relatively easily - none of the paperwork was illegible, or in a difficult Cyrillic script, so the heroine found what she wanted within a few hours of searching (yeah right.... like that would happen!). The characters were 2 dimensional rubbish and not at all realistic. Yes, I know it's fantasy, but you need decent acting and lifelike emotions to draw you into the story. 3 people have been strangled - no sign of stress or fear from Jordan and Nick. They get shot at while on the balcony of their hotel - they don't move to a different hotel or anything - a few hours later they're back on the balcony, not a care in the world! Twice Nick tackles the gunman when he knows he's armed and dangerous - foolhardy heroics from an art expert, methinks. And did I say that the acting is more like a first read through? Very poor direction..... it could have been a good film, but sadly it fell far too short.
blanche-2 I admit to having a soft spot for "Broken Lullaby." It's an interesting if complicated story, filmed in Budapest. There's also romance.An elderly cosmetics queen (Vivian Reis) asks her niece Jordan (Mel Harris), a genealogist, to trace her family - now a widow, she feels time is passing and she would like to know more about her roots. She only has a picture of a little girl next to a magnificent music box, which, it turns out, was made by Faberge.Jordan travels to Europe and finds out that the box is highly prized and sought after by several people: a count (Oliver Tobias), a young man (Rob Stewart) who feels the music box belonged to his family, and one other person who seemingly will stop at nothing, including murder, to get what he wants. Jordan doesn't know whom to trust.The story takes us to Vienna, though the credits say it was only filmed in Budapest. The scenery is very beautiful, and the acting is fine. The problem is, it's not particularly well directed. As someone pointed out, with a complicated story, a film like this needs a stronger structure.I haven't seen many other Harlequin films; I think this story is a cut above, and certainly had a decent budget. I recommend it.
marsnook2007 The Movie I thought was excellent it was suppose to be about romance with a little suspense in between.Rob Stewart is a wonderful actor I don't know why people keep giving him a bad rap. As for Mel Harris she is a great actress and for those who thinks she looks too old for Rob it's only by five years.Rob had a lead role in his own TV series as well as one on the Scifi channel. I'm sure you remember Topical Heat aka Sweating Bullets and PainKiller Jane.He also starred in a number of TV movies and is now making a TV Mini series.They need to give him more leading roles that is what he is best at.
gullette LMN has revived "Broken Lullaby" as one of their featured movies this week. As a family genealogist myself, I find it troubling that this story leaves such a huge hole by not clearly defining the relationship between Jordan (Mel Harris) and her "Aunt Kitty" (Vivien Reis) and more troubling still, that genealogist Jordan could be so wrong in what her own relationship to Nicholas is.Commenter Verenka above states "Her aunt (by marriage we are left to presume), is trying to track down her long lost family in Europe." After a huge part of this family puzzle is solved, however, Jordan supposedly alleviates the concerns of her love interest, Nicholas (Rob Stewart), by stating that she and he are fourth cousins, indicating that it is therefore OK for them to pursue a relationship.If they were only cousins by marriage, Jordan should have stated so at that time, but since she goes so far as to try to define their NATURAL relationship, this leaves us with the never addressed question as to how did Jordan's mother/father end up being the sister/brother of the believed orphan Kitty? Even after Kitty's true family background is revealed, there is no room for Jordan's mother or father in the picture. This supports the theory that Kitty is Jordan's Aunt only through a marriage by Kitty to Jordan's natural Uncle. Again, if that were the case, why did Jordan not alleviate Nicholas' concerns with the fact that they are only related by marriage instead of stating they are fourth cousins? They are NOT, however, fourth cousins, either by marriage or through natural relationship, rather FIRST COUSINS ONCE REMOVED (by marriage, if that's the case). Jordan and Nicholas's mother would be first cousins (or first cousins by marriage). One would think that any genealogist worth her salt would get a relationship THAT close to home right! Nevertheless, if they are NOT related by marriage, this is a problematic relationship - much too close for comfort!