Born to Win
Born to Win
R | 01 December 1971 (USA)
Born to Win Trailers

A smart-mouthed junkie and a former hairdresser spends his days looking for just "one more fix".

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Desertman84 Born To Win is a black comedy that was released more than forty years ago about a life of a drug addict.It stars a talented cast in George Segal,Karen Black,Paula Prentiss, Hector Elizondo and Robert De Niro. The story revolves around Jay Jay,an ex-hairdresser who finds it difficult to support his drug addiction.He later reaches rock bottom as his lifestyle only leads him to more harm like self-hate and lack of self-confidence. The movie obviously is pretty much dated as it belonged to the 70's when people are discovering the "pleasure" that drugs can bring and thus forming the habit.While it may serve as a warning to the viewer as it makes fun of the disaster that Jay Jay is headed to,it fails to provide genuine warning and does not manage to entertain the viewer at all.
Steve_Walls183 I like these old B-Movies from the 1970's they're the kind that used to show on cable TV at 3:00AM "Born To Win" is a cool movie to watch when you're bored and have nowhere to go on a Saturday night.The story revolves around a junkie named JJ who spends most of his time doing small jobs for drug dealers, and getting paid with dope.There's a real 70's feel to this movie, with lots of funky music, dealers and druggies, walkin' the walk and talking' the talk!Featuring a very young Robert Deniro as Danny!.
peapulation From the seventies comes another seventies flick that has a lot to do with drugs and junkies. The main character played by George Segal, JJ, is a junkie whose main goal in life is to get fixed everyday. As a result, everything else is secondly important. His relationship with his girlfriend, and in a surreal way, even the fact that he has children, which is only mentioned in the film two times, and briefly.From the way it starts, we are almost tricked into believing this will be a comedy. Then, from then on, it becomes the tragic portrayal of life on the streets. The footage we see on the screen seem dirty, and the gritty look of the film is meant to add to the brutality of the film. It's too bad that the part of George Segal is not so believable as a junkie, because it's not written well. There's too much emphasis on interaction and not enough emphasis on the characters themselves. The only times when we really see JJ break down is when we don't know what is going to happen to him. Drugs have driven him to a selfishness that is hard to side with. We don't pity him, but we literally hate what he has become.The editing is horrible, hard to believe that it came from the same guy that did the editing for Annie Hall. The direction is careless and throws whatever good there was in the screenplay as of secondary importance, focusing the film around a plot that doesn't exist, and oversthetching the bit in the middle, in making us think that there is a plain plot. The actors are also scattered around loose. Robert DeNiro's presence does nothing for the standards of the cast, he too in fact doesn't know what he is doing. While Segal cannot get away with playing a junkie, possibly because he isn't bony enough, Karen Black as his girlfriend is adorable, but her part is not well written. We know nothing of her.There is no good guy in this movie, and all in all there is little reason to watch it. There are parts that might have an impact, but all in all, there are better movies that deal with the same issues. It was certainly rushed.WATCH FOR THE MOMENT - A charming scene that shows the film had ideas. Karen Black and George Segal meeting the first time as he tries to steal her car.
Kieran Green 'BORN TO WIN' Is a Downbeat, but Somewhat very funny look at drug addicts, in New York, The ever Excellent George Segal, plays JJ a former Hairdresser,Who is fixed on heroin,and with him on his quest for the perfect fix is his pal played by Jay Fletcer,One night on the streets JJ is attempting to steal a car,but is amusingly caught by the owner who is played by the free spirited Karen Black,who brings Segal home together the pair fall for each other despite Segal's, desperate Heroin ridden antics,Cult Favorite Paula Prentiss,(The Original Stepford Wives) plays JJ's former wife who is Highly strung, unfortunately she becomes property of the local pimp and supplier 'geek' played by Hector Elizondo, One scene in this classic that's worth mentioning is Segal's superb knack for physical comedy is the 'take your clothes off' scene, that see's Segal, at the mercy of the supplier's the scene where Segal attempts to get the attention of the teenager across at the adjacent apartment is a hoot! And Segal's subsequent chase clad only in a robe is hilarious! A Very Young Robert De' Niro, plays an undercover cop out to bust JJ,Don't be fooled by the many DVD's available of this classic with 'De Niro on the cover Segal is the Star!