Boris and Natasha
Boris and Natasha
PG | 17 April 1992 (USA)
Boris and Natasha Trailers

Sent by Fearless Leader to America to find an important microchip, dastardly Pottsylvanian spies Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale begin questioning who they're working for and why.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Jim Ordowich If you watch Boris and Natasha expecting a spy version of Naked Gun you'll be sadly disappointed but if you're familiar with the two villains from the iconic Rocky and Bullwinkle this will be a little treasure. Live action versions of cartoons rarely work. Movies require more character and plot development and that requires deviations that annoy fans of the original. Kellerman and Thomas manage to establish their cartoon credentials without falling prey to the cartoon dimness of their animated predecessors. Rocket scientists they ain't but with a few exceptions they're not total numskull's either. They're helped along by a self-aware narrator just like on Rocky and Bullwinkle. Delicious. Would have like to see more of the delightful Andrea Martin but perhaps that's for the best - she steals the scenes she's in. In short, this is a movie that doesn't take itself seriously and neither should you.
Wizard-8 Before getting into this movie, I have to confess something: I have only seen a few minutes of one episode of the Rocky and Bullwinkle show in my life, and the few minutes that I saw didn't involve the Boris and Natasha characters. So I can't say how closely this live action movie captures the spirit of the animated show. But I can say that I was bored for the most part by this movie. The biggest problem with the movie is that it's not very funny. Oh, there were a few moments that made me smile a little, but for the most part the humor is lame and unimaginative. The script certainly suffers for not being funny, but there are other problems with it. There isn't much of a plot here, for one thing, leading to a lot of padding. Another problem is that the screenplay doesn't flesh out its lead characters very well - when the two are given their mission and start out on it, we hardly have been given any character development at all. This may explain why actors Dave Thomas and Sally Kellerman seem to be phoning in their performances. In fact, all of the cast seem to be treating this acting job in a half- hearted manner. The icing on the cake is the often cheapjack feeling to the enterprise - it obviously didn't have a substantial budget. It's no wonder the movie was shelved for four years before being released straight to video and cable TV.
ReviewsAtHome I have to begin this review by saying this movie is classic Get Smart style humor. If you don't like Get Smart, this movie isn't for you.The reason why this movie has mixed reviews is entirely and exclusively because people watch it thinking it's the cartoon. It's not. In fact, there's only one minor drawback, but it's a spoiler so I won't go into detail. Having said that, I'm still giving it 10 stars because I can't give 9 and 1/2.What to expect when you watch this movie:* Get Smart style humor, from the point of view of the bad guys. * Hogan's Heroes style humor where the bad people are sympathetic, but only so far you don't want them to die, but at the same time you don't want them to succeed. * Classic Humor. Basically, you will get slow parts. The slow parts exist for a reason. You can't have a point by point fast forward laugh track or it'd be too much. This kind of comedy, unfortunately, is lost on many in my generation. I find it to be perfect pacing, but I'm a big fan of classics, such as the "Road To" movies. * The Narrator breaks it up and adds some spice to the show. * Sight gags. If you have it on in the background you easily miss 60% of the jokes. * Puns that are gone as quick as they appear, so if you aren't paying attention, you're gonna miss the remaining 40% of the jokes.Boris and Natasha rely on terrible jokes, ridiculous situations, and a plot that shouldn't exist - because that's a classic form of comedy. It's like Adam West's Batman and his Emergency Can of Tomato Soup, or his bad one liners like "Some days you just can't get rid of a bomb!"You gotta be in the right mood, you gotta love this type of comedy. If you are neither, you won't enjoy it.I actually kinda wish there was a live action series based off this. Kinda reminds me of that cartoon Kaput and Zosky - two aliens who travel the galaxy trying to conquer other worlds.
percept This movie was not at all what I expected it to be. Instead it was incredibly funny. If you're not expecting a direct translation of episodes of The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, then you will not be disappointed.The similarities between the film and cartoon are... esoteric at best. If you don't hold this against the movie, you'll enjoy the hell out of yourself. I loved the cartoons with a passion, but do you really think they would make a good movie?